
🍓 Service for creating instant and anonymous polls for free!

Primary LanguageVueGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Takagi - Online Polls

Deploy - Frontend Build - Production License: GPL v3

Source code of Takagi, a simple web application build with Flask and Vue.js used to conduct quick and anonymous polls over the internet.

🔥 Takagi was built as an assignment for my university Web-Dev course.

Takagi may lack certain business features because everything was done by me, that includes,
design, architecture, backend, frontend, testing and a lot of DevOps-y stuff in a limited amount of time.

👑 It's alive! Check it out live at takagi.bednarski.dev!

Takagi - Mobile Mockup

🛠 Best Features

Takagi is CDD (CV Driven Development) in the nutshell!

Below are the features I had the most fun developing.

  • Simplified JWT based authentication system for users saving their polls.

  • Managed Sentry used for application monitoring and exception tracking.

  • CI/CD pipelines for automatic building and deploying on my infrastructure build on top of GitHub Actions.

  • Simple End-To-End tests build with the Cypress testing framework run before each frontend deploy by CI/CD system to achieve the best user experience.

Backend Specific

  • Functional tests for the API service build with PyTest and Requests modules.

  • Python 3 (Flask) RESTful API build on top of MongoDB for storing application state.

  • Redis based, cluster ready, application-level rate limiting on some of the API service endpoints.

  • Monitoring /api/health endpoint with the most valuable performance counters from Redis, hooked up to my Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana metric monitoring infrastructure (Cool graphs! 🤓)

  • Fully Dockerized development workflow, taking advantage of docker-compose for developing, testing and deployments.

Frontend Specific

  • Beautifully designed SPA frontend build with Vue.js and Vue-Router.

  • Valve's Fingerprint.js 2 library used for identifying users to avoid duplicated votes.

  • Client-side forms validation build with Vee-Validate used for achieving better user experience.

That's all I can remember... 😉

💻 Running Locally

It's easy to get started with developing Takagi!

This project uses Docker as a development and production deployment tool, so you need It first!


💡 Execute every command in the ./backend directory!

If you only want to run It, you need to:

  • Spin up the whole stack as containers, simply type:

    docker-compose up -d

This will spin up all the necessary containers and expose Takagi service API at

If you want to make changes to the Flask app, you need to:

  • Install Python 3.8, then projects requirements.

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Also, It's optionally development requirements.

    pip3 install -r dev-requirements.txt
  • After that spin up Redis and MongoDB as containers.

    docker-compose up -d redis mongo
  • Run main.py, entry point for Flask app.

    python3 ./main.py

    This will spin up databases, and run Python code with the development server at


💡 Execute every command in the ./frontend directory!

If you want to make changes to the Vue.js app, you need to:

  • Install NPM, then projects requirements.

    npm install
  • To then serve a website, simply type:

    npm run serve

This will create a development web server at And It's a lot simpler!

📋 Running Tests

Takagi has a simple set of functional tests!

This project uses PyTest, PyLint and Cypress as a testing tools, so you need them first!

  • To run backend tests, run Takagi API service and in the ./backend directory type:

    pytest .
  • To run backend lint, run in the ./backend directory:

    pylint ../backend
  • To run Cypress E2E tests, with everything running, open dashboard by typing:

    npm run open

    This will open a dashboard that will let you run all the specs.

🚧 Contributing

You are more than welcome to help me improve Takagi!

Just fork this project from the master branch and submit a Pull Request (PR).
It's probably a good idea to run all the tests beforehand.

📃 License

This project is licensed under GPL-3.0 .