
Expansion mod for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

The UnlicenseUnlicense

Expansion mod for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

WARNING!!!: This mod requires the experimental builds for it to work.

This is the gigantic jabberwock of a mod that adds a lot of content to the game. It adds new items, buildings, scenarios, monsters, etc. It also reworks and adds alternatives to many things from recipes to scenarios. It also adds a pseudo-story and lore on the works.

The Bio-Weapon, Super Soldier, Commandeers, Slave Fighters and the Old World Prepper NPC factions join the world.

Seek the Bio-weapons, find loot, take down news monsters and invest in skills for new craftable items.

Good luck, Survivor!

Special Thanks:

  • Malkeus - Spell checking the mod/helping with monster spawn rates.
  • Chaosvolt - Helping with NPC interactions and actively maintaining the mod.
  • ValidQA - Emergency fix (AEP_PBLUE)/Aesthetic text changes.
  • pisskop - Maintain the mod in my absence and help make our mods compatible.
  • Zetsukaze - Providing some of the code for the hair mod patch.

Here is my github for this project:

Github: https://github.com/Noctifer-de-Mortem/nocts_cata_mod

Go here to comment and questions more directly and forward your own ideas and changes! PR contributions are welcome and encouraged.

Download here:


Feedback is welcomed! Hope it's fun.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead!


-What do I do with the patches? *Unzip the the files in the zip of the name of the mod you use and leave them there. No need to delete the zip file as long as the files inside are in the folder too.

-"The zombie super scout (insert event where it killed your char)!" *All of the super soldiers were recently rebalanced as shown here: Noctifer-de-Mortem#57

-Why do you have books that level you up from 0-10? Isnt' that a bit broken? *I agree, which is why I changed it as shown here: Noctifer-de-Mortem#51

Todo: -Include all new content -Include all overrides -Write a bit of lore

Reason old list was taken down is that it was severaly outdated...