
A basic demo showing how you can make a gossip based p2p chat using hyperswarm.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A basic demo showing how you can make a p2p chat using hyperswarm.

Screenshot of it working in CLI and browser


Chat apps are the hello world of p2p stuff, here's a hello world you can build off of.


  • As P2P as it gets, no central authorities
  • Works in node using hyperswarm and in the browser with hyperswarm-web
  • Just echoes your peers' messages, nothing fancy
  • Messages are totally ephemeral, if you missed it you missed it


const HyperswarmUniversalChat = require('hyperswarm-universal-chat')

const chat = HyperswarmUniversalChat({
  swarm: null // Optional hyperswarm instance

// Join a channel and start getting peers
const channel = chat.channel('some name, who cares what it is, really')

channel.on('message', (peer, {message}) => {

channel.on('peer', (peer) => {
  console.log(`* connected to ${peer} *`)

  connection.once('end', () => {
    console.log(`* disconnected from ${peer} *`)

channel.send('Hello world!')


chat.destroy(() => {


  • Join a channel
  • Derive key by hashing channel name
  • Look for peers using key
  • Connect to as many as you can
  • Parse the connection with NDJSON
  • When you establish the connection, send the key you're connecting from
  • When you get a connection, listen for the key before doing anything (read 32 bytes?)
  • When you get a message, take the message and print it.

Areas for improvement (WONTFIX)

  • Deduplicate connections (OH WELL, it's a demo, you can figure it out. :P)
  • Gossip of messages from peers
  • Usernames
  • Verifying users with signed messages
  • Encryption of connections