
Cockpit project demo

Primary LanguagePython

1. Hand segmentation

The main algorithm is from the FCN paper: Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation.

Data preparation

  1. Change current directory to hand_training. See raw hand annotation data is in raw_data.
  2. Run prepare_data.py to resize images and hand masks to 256x256. This script also generates data.txt. Each line of this file is a pair of image and mask sperated by space. Ignore the two ending numbers.


  1. Pull my modified caffe from here: caffe-fcn.
  2. Modify the caffe root path in fcn32_solve.py.
  3. Run train.sh to train the network. Models will be saved in model folder. See fcn32_solve.py for training details.


See test.py. This script reads frames from video and predicts a hand probability map.

2. Object localization

With the hand segmentation model, we fine-tune it to localize the object of interest. Code and data is in obj_training.

Data preparation

  1. Copy the same hand annotation data(image+mask) into obj_training/raw_data (optional, can still use the same data source for hand segmentation training). Run annotate_obj.py and annotate object centers. This script will create a text file objects.txt with object location coordinates.
  2. Run cal_heatmap.py to generate object heatmaps. Heatmaps will be save in raw_obj.
  3. Run gen_train_data.py to resize images, mask and heatmaps. Final data will be saved in data folder. It also generates training source file data.txt.


  1. Modify the caffe root path in fcn32_solve.py.
  2. Run train.sh to train the network. Models will be saved in model folder. See fcn32_solve.py for training details.


See test.py. This script reads frames from video and predicts an object probability map.

3. Hand and objects localization

It is also possible to localize both object of interest and hand centers simutaneously. Code and data is in hand_obj_training. The idea is the same as object localization except for number of channels in groundtruth data and network loss.

For object localization only, object heatmaps are placed in the blue channel(1st channel in opencv). For this network, two additional channels are used: green channel for left hand and red channel for right hand. See data/hand_obj for examples.

The other difference is network loss. For hand segmentation and object localization, the network output is a 2-channel probability map(background and hand/object). For this network, the output has 5 channels which are splitted into 2+3 channels. They are for (1) background for object (2) object (3) background for hands (4) left hand (5) right hand respectively. See fcn32_obj_train.prototxt for details.

4. Two-stream action recognition

Currently, this relies on a different version of caffe. Pull it here: caffe-dev. Code and data is in action_training.

Object network

Before training the spatial network, you need to crop the objects out from training data. See crop_obj.py. This scripts loads the trained object localization model and saves images in obj. All network files and training scripts are in spatial.

Motion network

To calculate optical flow, you can use scripts in tools. Save optical flow images in flow and then run training scripts in motion to train the network.

Joint training

See action_training/solve.py.