
Studying C again

Primary LanguageC

Back to C (studies)

Devcontainer environment that I made to get back in contact with C and C++: experimenting and learning the basics once again.


  • Debian GNU/Linux v11 (bullseye)
  • GCC v10.2.1 (Debian)
  • GNU Make v4.3
  • Git v2.40.1

3rd party depencencies

How to run

  • In the command line, cd into the code/ folder
  • To see what each (documented) command does, run make or make help
  • To just compile the C code from src/main.c and all other C files on src/, run make compile_all
  • To run the C code in src/main.c (as well as link all object files needed for that), run make run_main
  • To install all 3rd party dependencies listed in deps.txt, run make install_deps
    • To clean all installed files from 3rd party dependencies, run clean_deps
  • To define the dependency hierarchy of src/foo.c for building and testing purposes, write a target called include_foo in the Makefile
    • This target will be used to define the -include values needed for the correct compilation and running of src/foo.c (example: if src/foo.c doesn't have any dependencies, the compiler will only need a -include src/foo.c argument; if the file depends on src/bar.c, the compiler will need the -include src/bar.c -include src/foo.c arguments)
  • To run all unit tests, run make run_all_tests
    • Write tests for src/foo.c in a tests/foo.test.c file
    • To run tests for a specific src/foo.c file, run make test_foo
    • To clean all executables generated for testing, run make clean_tests
  • To clean up all generated and downloaded files, run make clean_all

Obs. 1: The contents generated from default compilation will be in the dist/ folder Obs. 2: The downloaded contents for 3rd party dependencies will be in the deps/ folder Obs. 3: The files for testing purposes will be in the tests/ folder Obs. 4: If you want the commands in the Makefile targets to be shown in the command line, pass the argument V=1 to the make command for verbosity (make V=1 (...) or make (...) V=1, for example; this verbosity argument doesn't work well for some commands, so it still needs some fixing)