
Here, I showcase the solutions to a series of projects completed during my journey as a beginner in JavaScript. Each project has its dedicated directory, containing separate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files for easy navigation and exploration. Feel free to browse through and check out my work!

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Greetings, fellow developers! This is Ranit Manik, and I'm excited to present my JavaScript Projects repository. Here, you'll find a collection of projects that I've completed during my journey as a beginner in JavaScript. Each project has its own dedicated directory, featuring separate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files for convenient navigation and exploration. Feel free to browse through the repository and explore the solutions. Whether you're a fellow learner, an experienced developer, or just curious, your feedback and insights are always welcome.


# Project Live Demo
01 Stopwatch Timer Application Live Demo
02 Vowel Counter Application Live Demo
03 Calculator Application Live Demo
04 Encryption Application Live Demo
05 Poll System Application Live Demo
06 Password Generator Application Live Demo
07 Cash Calculator Application Live Demo
08 HEX Code Generator Live Demo
09 TO-DO List Live Demo
10 Drag And Drop Image Uploader Live Demo

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/RanitManik/JavaScript-Projects.git
  2. Navigate to the specific challenge directory.

    cd javaScript-Projects/challengeX
  3. Open the index.html file in your preferred web browser to view the solution.


Feel free to contribute by:

  • Providing feedback on existing solutions.
  • Adding solutions to challenges that I haven't completed.
  • Optimizing existing code.

Please create a new branch for each set of changes and submit a pull request.


Social Media Username Link
Email ranitmanik.dev@gmail.com Email
LinkedIn Ranit Manik LinkedIn
Instagram ranit_manik_ Instagram
Facebook RanitKumarManik Facebook


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Special thanks to the open-source community for fostering an environment of collaboration and continuous improvement.


It's worth mentioning that all codes within this repository are personally coded by me and have undergone formatting enhancements by ChatGPT to ensure improved readability for my future reference.

Happy coding! 🚀