
CloudFormation Repository with solution to tech challenge


The repository contains Cloudformation and Ansible code to spin up a Simple Web and DB Stack with ELB and Internet Gateway. Deployment of Cloudformation stack is done using Ansible cloudformation module.

How to Deploy

To deploy the Cloudformation stack with this repo you need Ansible installed.

pip install ansible

or if you are running RHEL variants use EPEL repository.

# centos example
yum install epel-release
yum install ansible

Clone this repository to your local machine and customize the vars in ansible/stack-deploy.yml as needed.

aws_access_key: Access Key of the AWS Account
aws_secret_key: Secret Key of the AWS Account
base_stack_name: CF Stack Name for the Base Stack
shared_stack_name: CF Stack Name for the Shared Stack

We are installing Wordpress with MySQL Backend. Use the below vars to customize the wordpress parameters.

wordpress_db_user: ""
wordpress_db_pass: ""
wordpress_db_name: ""

Use Ansible-Vault to encrypt the secrets if you are planning to push the customized code back to SCM.

Use the below command to deploy the stack.

ansible-playbook -c local stack-deploy.yml


If you have only tweaked the AWS Credentials this is what you will get from following the above steps.

# CloudFormation Stacks
TechChallenge-ELB	- Cloudformation Template for Creating FrontEnd Services
TechChallenge-AppInstance2 -	Cloudformation Template for Creating App Instances
TechChallenge-AppInstance1 - Cloudformation Template for Creating App Instances
TechChallenge-DBInstance2	- Cloudformation Template for Creating DB Instances
TechChallenge-DBInstance1	-	Cloudformation Template for Creating DB Instances
TechChallenge-Shared - CloudFormation Template for Tech Challenge: Shared Layer [Security Group, Subnets]
TechChallenge-Base - AWS CloudFormation Template for Tech Challenge: Base Layer [VPC,Gateways,NATS]

The UserData of the instances will bring up MySQL and WordPress containers.

You can hit the ELB URL to access the WordPress instances. Since this is a fresh install, it will take you to the WordPress Installation Wizard.