Android application using OMTB API's
Application Explained :
a) When application is launched , User will see a search movies tab with search bar
b) User can enter a movie name to search
c) Search results once the data is fetched is shown on the list
d) User cna book mark a movie and see his / her book marks on the Bookmarks tab
e) In search result , User can click and see more details in Bottom sheet
f) Book Marks are saved / persisted across sessions
**Android components / Libraries ** used :
a) Room :
b) Android X Dependencies :
- Tab Layout
- Core KTX
- App compat
- View Pager 2
- ViewModel + Lifecycle KTX
c) Dependency Injection - HILT
d) Networking - Retrofit
e) JSON Serialisation / Deserialisation - Moshi
f)Image Loading - Glide
g) Kotlin + Coroutines