
cli tool to make text or files more uwu. Written in Go with cobra

Primary LanguageGo


A command line tool written in Go with Cobra to make text more uwu


go install github.com/rankarusu/go-uwuify@latest

This installs to $HOME/go/bin/ by default, which can be added to your $PATH:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin


transforms the given input and outputs it to the desired destination e.g. uwuify --infile input.txt -o ~/output.txt -r 1

input can be defined via --infile, --text, or stdin via the | operator the transformed text will be output to stdout by default or written to a file by using --outfile

the modifiers --uwu, --kaomoji, --stutters, --exclamations, and --actions can be used to set the probability for the corresponding transforms 0 -> will not occur .5 -> will occur 50% of the time 1 -> will occur at every possibility, usually for, or after every word

uwuify [flags]


  -t, --text string          a text to uwuify
  -i, --infile string        a file to uwuify
  -o, --outfile string       a file to output the uwuified text to
  -u, --unicode              allow unicode characters for kaomoji
  -r, --replacements float   probability for transforming text. e.g. love -> wuv (default 0.5)
  -k, --kaomoji float        probability for inserting kaomoji. e.g. OwO (default 0.025)
  -s, --stutters float       probability for adding stutters to the beginning of a word. e.g. hello -> h-hello (default 0.025)
  -e, --exclamations float   probability for transforming punctuation. e.g. 1 -> !!11 (default 0.5)
  -a, --actions float        probability for adding actions. e.g. *blushes* (default 0.025)
  -h, --help                 help for uwuify