
CSIT314 Project 2023

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CSIT314 Project 2023

Running software

Using docker means that you aren't required to install npm, node or MySQL on your machine

  1. Make sure docker and docker compose plugin is installed
  2. Enter project root directory
  3. Build docker images docker compose build backend docker compose build frontend
  4. Run docker containers docker compose up -d

Note: Any packages added to package.json, means you need to rebuild images and restart containers

Note: Any code changes will auto-update on frontend/backend

React guide

  1. npx create-react-app "proj-name"
  2. cd "proj-name"
  3. npm start

Troubleshooting guide

From Powershell

PS C:\Windows\System32> node -v
PS C:\Windows\System32> npm -v

Ensure that version number is displayed. If not node or npm might not be installed/configured properly on your PC.

Pointers on working example:

Disclaimer: The working example only runs on correctly configured/installed MERN (MySQL) stack, it is not a guarantee that it will run on any PC. The code may be correct but may not run due to configuration errors.

Helpful links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPuLnzSjPLE&t=1332s&ab_channel=LamaDev

Config problems encountered: client -> package.json lines 17 & 18

"start": "react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider start",
"build": "react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider build",

fixed to resolve openssl issues

backend -> package.json lines 6

"type": "module",

required when using import

Git guide

Addition of Feature/Bug fix

  1. Create a JIRA ticket for the corresponding feature/bug
  2. Go to the repos branch area
    1. Press "new branch" and select branch source as "main"
    2. Name the branch name after the JIRA ticket code e.g. trad-xxx
    3. Press create branch
  3. Now on your local machine, clone the repository to a specific location,
    NOTE: This requires git to be installed on your system, follow this guide to install git
    1. Open your systems command prompt and traverse to where you would like to download the repo.
    2. Run the following command on your machine,
      git clone https://github.com/Rankork/CSIT314-Project.git
  4. Traverse into the project directory
  5. Run git fetch, then git checkout main followed by git pull then finally git checkout trad-xxx
  6. Now you can begin working on the project

Saving branch changes

  • To save your changes on your branch, do the following
    1. Run git status to see the modified files
    2. Run git add FILENAME for each modified file you would like to stage
    3. Run git commit, begin the commit statement with "[TRAD-XXX]" followed by a brief commit message, to further explain commit, go to the next line and type there
    4. Finally run git push

Preparing branch for merge (Rebase on-top of main)

  • This is VERY IMPORTANT, follow it carefully
  • More info: Squashing commits and rebasing
    1. Run git fetch, then git checkout main followed by git pull
      This step is done as to update the main branch on your local machine with main on remote (Github)
    2. Run git checkout trad-xxx, to return to your branch
    3. Then you need to run git log and count how many commits you have made on your branch
    4. Now with your count of commits say 2, run the following command
      git rebase -i HEAD~2
    5. Now you should see your commits, for each line with a commit EXCEPT the first line, replace all occurrences of "pick" with "s"
    6. Save the file, and another file should open showing your commit messages, modify if needed (E.g. fix commit spelling errors) then save
    7. Run git push -f to finalize commit squashing
    8. Now run git rebase -i main, if merge conflicts appear, resolve them then run git rebase --continue
    9. Again run git push -f

Creating a merge request

  1. Go onto the github repo via the browser
  2. Select your branch using the drop down on the left hand side
  3. Press on the contribute drop down and press open a pull request
  4. Inform other members of merge request and assign person to review it