
The original ETH-Reflect and buyback system, with Anti Whale, Anti Sniping and Anti Bot features.

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT


The original ETH-Reflect and buyback system, with Anti Whale, Anti Sniping and Anti Bot features.

Why BabyThunder? It's the token with a functioning design that rewards you with ETH! It has Anti Whale, Anti Sniping and Anti Bot smart contract design inbuilt for Secure Asset Fund for Users!

BabyThunder combines this with an innovative Auto-Liquidity feature that increases liquidity of the token rapidly. And finally, BabyThunder has massive burn on a scale rarely seen in other tokens. Combine these three together and you get a power house token out of the hands of anyone, except the community as a whole.

UNRUGGABLE Liquidity is locked in DxSale for 2 months and fair launched! This means the team cannot pull the liquidity and rug the project.

TOKEN BURNS Cutting edge tokenomics keep a downward pressure on the circulating supply through burns, both manual and automatic. While simultaneously keeping upward pressure on the price floor so holders see gains.

SAFE AUTO-FARMING 8% of all transactions are distributed to holders in ETH. No need to claim, all distributions happen automatically every hour.

FAIR LAUNCH 90% of BabyThunder total supply was seeded as liquidity. This means no presale and no team tokens. Remaining 10% are allocated between the Dev, and the marketing wallet to receive dividends and reinvest into the project.

CONTINUOUSLY RISING PRICE 2% of every transaction is sent to the pancake swap liquidity pool, and newly created LP tokens are BURNED FOREVER creating a rising price floor. 5% of every transaction is allocated to marketing and development to reinvest into growing BabyThunder.