
A demo of OpenShift Service Mesh deployed using GitOps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A demo of OpenShift Service Mesh deployed using GitOps

Capabilities demonstrated

  • Traffic routing 80/20 (canary deployment) between application versions v1 / v2
  • Traffic routing based on request header for app v3
  • Mirror traffic from app v3 to app v4 without app v4 having to respond to client requests.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install ArgoCD Operator
  2. Link the ArgoCD Repository
  3. Let ArgoCD deploy all sample-app resources

Modify sample-app

If you want to modify the sample-app, you need to rebuild and republish the container image

Enter the following information as environment variable

export CR=quay.io
export UN=raphael_tholl
export IMAGE_NAME=sample-app
export TAG=latest

After you applied your changes to the source code perform the following steps. Use a container engine such as podman

podman login ${CR}
podman build -t ${CR}/${UN}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG} /path/to/Containerfile
podman push ${CR}/${UN}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG}


Raphael Tholl