WARNING: Discord has made Self-Bots and User-Bots against the rules :( #CIVILRIGHTS4BOTS
- Install discord.py https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py
- go to windows power shell mac terminal or linx terminal
- Tpye python -V to see if you have the correct version of python if not install it python 3.6
- then go to the directory of the brak_bot folder ex. C:\users\user\Desktop
- type python brak_bot.py
- Input user info
- Wait for successful connection message
- !help - Displays a help message
- !nuke - Deletes all previous messages
- !cowsay message - says things as a cow
- !chuck - generates a chuck norris joke
- !trumpt name - Trump gives his opinion on a name
- !trumpq - generates a random trump quote
- !insult - generates a random shakesperian type insult
- more to come soon
- Add in insult generator and insult.yml
- Find a way to get a userID from an identifier
- Add a gambling system
- Add admin functionality
Anyone can edit this or add new stuff if they wish to i will review it and accept or not accept depending on if i think its useful.