

Given a nrMDP and a MRM this framework will learn the MRM from the nrMDP and several experiments using the Angluin algorithm apply on mealy machine.



  • map : a file with the map representing the model. (a description of this format is given below. An example can be found in examples/example.mp)
  • expert value : the value given by the expert for the first check.
  • default cost : the cost for every move that doesn't bring any observation. (default: 1)
  • reset cost : the cost paid to reset the system. (default: 5)
  • steps per episode : number of steps for each episode of exploration during the second checks. (default: 5000)
  • number of episodes : number of episode of exploration during the second checks. (default: 5)
  • getExperience mode : mode of the experience function (MIN or MAX). (default: MIN)


Learning_MRMs.py -i <input_file> -v <expert_value>
                [-r <reset_cost>]
                [-d <default_cost>]
                [--steps_episode <integer>]
                [--number_episodes <integer>]
                [--getExperience_mode <MIN|MAX>]


Learning_MRMs -i examples/example.mp -r 5 -d 1 -a True -v 1.5 --getExperience_mode MAX


The code in pylstar is not from me, it is from https://github.com/gbossert/pylstar

nrMDP and MRM file format

The nrMDP and the MRM are described in a file structured as follow:

<description of the nrMDP>
<description of the observation function>
<description of the MRM>

Description of the nrMDP

The first line list the initial states as follow:

initial <list of the names of the initial states separated by ",">


initial s0,s1

Then each line describe a transition as follow:

<strating state> <action> <probability> <destination>


s0 a 0.2 s1

The probability can also be written down by a fraction:

s0 a 1/5 s1

Description of the observation function

An observation function returns an observation for a pair state-action. Each line corresponds to an observation:

<state> <action> <observation>

If a pair isn't represented by any line the observation corresponding to this pair is 'null'. Example:

s0 a A

In this case the pair $(s0,a)$ corresponds to the observation $A$. Suppose the action $b$ is available in $s0$, then the pair $(s0,b)$ corresponds to the observation 'null'.

Description of the MRM

The MRM is a mealy machine where the input alphabet are the obseravtions and the output alphabet some rewards. Each line corresponds to a transition in this mealy machine as follow:

<starting state> <observation> <reward> <destination state>


0 A 10 1

In this case if the current state of the MRM is 0, if the agent observes A by moving in the nrMDP then he gets a reward of 10 and the MRM changes its current state to 1.