Emulation-based System for Distributed File storage and Parallel Computation

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Emulation-based System for Distributed File storage and Parallel Computation


Home page:

Distributed file system dashboard

Trending Movie Computation using MapReduce

Data Retrieval using MapReduce

Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation using MapReduce


pip install streamlit-aggrid

pip install wordcloud

pip install streamlit

pip install pandas

How to start in command line:

streamlit run Main.py 

Username & Password for demo:

username: admin 

password: abc123

username: demo_user

password: 123123

File description:

  pages: Front-end directory
  kaggle_data_sources: Original data source
  command: Back-end implementation code
  pre_stored_matrix: Item_CF training result
  firebase.py: Initialization of firebase