
Full Stack MLOps Platform

Primary LanguageJavaScript


alt text

-- kubenetes
	-- data				# data to train the model
	-- kube config 		# cluster config (e.g. the images location)
		-- deployment.yaml
		-- sercvice.yaml
	train.py 			# scripts to train the model
	predict.py  		# a flask server to do the predict, comunication with MongoDB and SQLite
	Dockerfile  		# containernized the predict.py and the corresponding env

-- frontend
	-- menu-items		# home page index and the correspond child info (url)
	-- routes			# url -> resource on the host
	-- views			# resource on the host
		-- ai-model
			--	record.js	# Front-end(React.js), back-end(Node.js) communication, to access the 
	-- components
		-- database.js	# api that communicate with sqlite DB
	-- context
		-- UsersContext.js	# call database.js to get users, add users
	-- hooks
		-- useSqlite.js		# setup databse using hook

-- database
	-- sqlite.sql

-- backend
	-- db
		-- conn.js 		# connection to the database
	-- routes
		-- record.js		# handle different record
	-- server.js			# Website Node.Js server, comunication with MongoDB and SQLite



Email (varchar 30) Password (varchar 30) API_Key(uuid) Account_Balance
Adam@usc.edu "Aa123456" b6f97a69-428b-4e74-862d-4ad22d7e0de8 default 0
The constraint need to be further considered
CREATE TABLE Account_Info (Email varchar(30) primary key, Password varchar(30) NOT NULL, Account_Balance real DEFAULT 0);

insert into Account_Info(Email, Password) values("Adam@usc.edu", "Aa123456");



Request_id API_Key Request_Time Request_Type Request_Status
"63d9c7447fb0edda4d6b0172" b6f97a69-428b-4e74-862d-4ad22d7e0de8 "31/01/2023 21:58:58" Model1 Pending/Done


Request_id Result
"63d9c7447fb0edda4d6b0172" Candidate features have been evaluated and output is {'Placement': True, 'Placement_Probability': 0.90234375}
> use ml_model
switched to db ml_model
> db.model_request.insert({"UserName":"Adam", "Request_Type": "Model1"})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }
> db.model_request.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("63d9c7447fb0edda4d6b0172"), "UserName" : "Adam", "Request_Type" : "Model1" }

Python usage of MongoDB

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
# print(client.list_database_names())
db = client.ml_model
collections = db.model_request
for x in collections.find():