
InSAR processing of Sentinel-1 using ROI_PAC

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

###   Sentinel-1 pre-processor for ROI_PAC
###   Raphael Grandin (IPGP) -- April 2016
###   grandin@ipgp.fr
###   http://www.ipgp.fr/~grandin
### Content :
###  - installation guidelines
###  - how it works
###  - bibliography
###  - license



1/ Install the following software / packages :
- ROI_PAC Version 3.0.1
- python 2.6 => will be called thru command "python"
- a few python libraries should be installed, including: mpmath, gdal 
- optionally : snaphu (http://web.stanford.edu/group/radar/softwareandlinks/sw/snaphu/)
- optionally : generic mapping tools (http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/)

2 / Modify a few ROI_PAC routines and re-compile ROI_PAC.
The modified routines are located in directory "ROI_PAC_changes"
The modifications are there to enable ROI_PAC to deal with wide
Sentinel-1 images and to handle correctly ESA orbit state vectors.

3 / Copy the content of "MY_SCR" directory to the user's own MY_SCR dir.
This directory contains a few perl scripts that are occasionally called
during the process.



ROI_PAC is a copyrighted software that requires a license.
Licenses are available at no charge for non-commercial use
from the Open Channel Foundation. Read the license terms.



The principle of Sentinel-1 InSAR processing is described in Grandin (2015).

A prerequisite is that the user downloads Sentinel-1 data in SLC format. 

Then, the user fills a parameter file that tells the package what data
should be used, and where to find the data. The parameter file should look like
this : 

*****************************************   BEGIN   *******************************************
PATHDIR           /home/rgrandin/S1-ROI_PAC_V2.4
WORKINGDIR        /media/Quadra_4/Nepal_SD_test/Frame3/20150409_20150503
DIR_ARCHIVE       /media/Quadra_3/Nepal2015/Sentinel/data
DEM               /media/Quadra_3/Nepal2015/DEM/srtmV4_nepal_corrpatch_shift_destrip_crop_Nepal2015_Frame3_resamp4x.dem
DEM_low           /media/Quadra_3/Nepal2015/DEM/srtmV4_nepal_corrpatch_shift_destrip_crop_Nepal2015_Frame3_resamp4x_4rlks.dem
LABEL_ante        20150409
LABEL_post        20150503
DIR_IMG_ante      S1A_IW_SLC__1SSV_20150409T122127_20150409T122154_005407_006E01_6F00.SAFE
DIR_IMG_ante      S1A_IW_SLC__1SSV_20150409T122152_20150409T122224_005407_006E01_0098.SAFE
DIR_IMG_post      S1A_IW_SLC__1SSV_20150503T122118_20150503T122145_005757_007649_5EE7.SAFE
DIR_IMG_post      S1A_IW_SLC__1SSV_20150503T122143_20150503T122211_005757_007649_F885.SAFE
DIR_IMG_post      S1A_IW_SLC__1SSV_20150503T122208_20150503T122235_005757_007649_A437.SAFE
LOOKS_RANGE       12
*****************************************    END     *******************************************

Explanation :

************    MANDATORY    *************
PATHDIR = path to the directory where the Sentinel-1 ROI_PAC package is located
WORKINGDIR = path to the working directory, i.e. where the processing will take place
DIR_ARCHIVE = path to the directory containing Sentinel-1 SAFE directories.
DEM = path and name of a dense DEM (resolution should be ~ 20 m or better – oversampled SRTM is OK)
DEM_low = path and name of a coarser DEM (it is OK to multilook the above DEM by a factor 4)
LABEL_ante = name of master date, in YYYYMMDD format
LABEL_post = name of slave date, in YYYYMMDD format
DIR_IMG_ante = name of Sentinel-1 data directory for the master image
DIR_IMG_ante = another directory to append and create a long strip
DIR_IMG_ante = yet another one... they should be provided in chronological order.
DIR_IMG_post = same, but for the slave image
************    OPTIONAL    *************
LOOKS_RANGE = (integer) number of looks in range (12 is OK)
LOOKS_AZIMUTH = (integer) number of looks in azimuth (4 is OK)
SKIP_BEG_ante = (integer) skip this number of bursts at the top of first master image
SKIP_END_ante = (integer) skip this number of bursts at the bottom of last master image
SKIP_BEG_post = (integer) skip this number of bursts at the top of first slave image
SKIP_END_post = (integer) skip this number of bursts at the bottom of last slave image
SPECTRAL_DIV  = (yes or no) run (yes) or skip (no) spectral diversity. Default: yes.

Finally, the user copies the file named "S1-ROI_PAC_00_batch.sh" (located in directory "scripts")
into his working directory. This script is run from command line, and takes the parameter
file as the single (required) argument. For example :

./S1-ROI_PAC_00_batch.sh topsar_param.in 

This script runs the successive processing steps.
Each step corresponds to a script, numbered from 01 to 09 in directory "scripts".
All the steps are run successively for the three sub-swaths.
By default, the process is run using polarization VV, but this can be changed
by editing "S1-ROI_PAC_00_batch.sh".

The user is advised to run the steps manually one after the other in the first place
in order to become familiar with the procesing. The scripts take the parameter file
as first argument, followed by sub-swath name and polarization. For instance :

./S1-ROI_PAC_01_stitch.csh topsar_param.in iw2 vv
./S1-ROI_PAC_02_baseline.csh topsar_param.in iw2 vv
./S1-ROI_PAC_03_correl.csh topsar_param.in iw2 vv
...... etc ......

The successive steps are the following :

STEP 1 : S1-ROI_PAC_01_stitch.csh
01 / From a list of provided SAFE directories, order them in chronological order
02 / Decode the metadata from .xml files in SAFE directories. If necessary,
the zipped SAFE directories are unzipped.
03 / Compare length of master / slave images and only keep bursts
in the intersection of the two acquisitions
04 / Download orbits (restituted and precise) from ESA QC web site
05 / Correct azimuth phase drift burst-by-burst to bring azimuth spectrum to
baseband, for the master and slave SLCs
06 / Stitch the bursts to produce continuous images
07 / Save two alternative SLCs for the master image containing forward-looking
and backward-looking phases in burst overlaps.

STEP 2 : S1-ROI_PAC_02_baseline.csh
08 / Start ROI_PAC processing to create file tree structure
09 / Compute baselines

STEP 3 : S1-ROI_PAC_03_correl.csh
10 / Compute dense pixel offsets between master and slave images

STEP 4 : S1-ROI_PAC_04_sync.csh
11 / Re-run azimuth phase drift correction for slave image using time offset
deduded from pixel offsets.
12 / Also save two alternative SLCs for the slave image containing forward-looking
and backward-looking phases in burst overlaps.

STEP 5 : S1-ROI_PAC_05_interf.csh
13 / Run ROI_PAC from SLCs to interferogram corrected from simulation

STEP 5b (optional) : S1-ROI_PAC_05_interf.csh
13b / Re-run interferogram calculation only

STEP 6i : S1-ROI_PAC_06_sd.csh
14 / Compute double-difference interferogram for spectral diversity

STEP 7 : S1-ROI_PAC_07_sd_finish.csh
15 / Re-run azimuth phase drift correction for slave image using time offset
deduded from pixel offsets and refinement from spectral diversity
16 / Re-calculate interferogram

STEP 7b (optional) : S1-ROI_PAC_07b_sd_refine.csh
16b / Update across-track burst overlap interferogram
to account for correction deduced from spectral diversity.

STEP 8 : S1-ROI_PAC_08_unwrap.csh
17 / Filter and unwrap interferogram

STEP 9 : S1-ROI_PAC_09_done.csh
18 / Geocode unwrapped interferogram using coarse DEM

STEP 10 (unstable) : S1-ROI_PAC_10_geocode_beta.csh
19 / Stich the geocoded sub-swaths together to produce seamless interogram.



Grandin, R., (2015).
"Interferometric processing of SLC Sentinel-1 TOPS data."
In Proceedings of the European Space Agency, SP-371.
FRINGE 2015, 23-27 March 2015, Frascati (Rome), Italy.

Grandin, R., E. Klein, M. Métois, and C. Vigny (2016).
"3D displacement field of the 2015 Mw8.3 Illapel earthquake (Chile)"
"from across- and along-track Sentinel-1 TOPS interferometry"
Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL067954.

PDFs can be found in directory "bibliography"



* Copyright (C) 2016 R.GRANDIN

* grandin@ipgp.fr

* "Sentinel-1 pre-processor for ROI_PAC".

*    "Sentinel-1 pre-processor for ROI_PAC" is free software: you can redistribute
     it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	 as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
	 the License, or (at your option) any later version.

*    "Sentinel-1 pre-processor for ROI_PAC" is distributed in the hope that it
     will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
	 See the GNU General Public License for more details.

*     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with "Sentinel-1 pre-processor for ROI_PAC".
	 If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.