This is a repository made for personal own prupose to learn about how webpack works, and how can I made a project and configure the webpack for it.
Probably will be a lot of language syntax errors, because I made this documentation in english to practice the language, so I'm sorry for anything ^^
This documentation was made using this article and another fonts as reference
There are a lot of concepts inside the webpack module, but for us clients, we need to know about some of their.
Entry is a main file that webpack will considerate for make a compact file using all dependencies of this entry file. Is literally a entry point of your application.
module.exports = {
entry: './path/file.js'
This is a example of a config that choose the file.js as entry file of your application.
We need to know to, that can be used more than one entry point in your configuration.
as I said, the webpack build a unique file that englobe all of dependencies of the entry point, and the output of this new file generated by webpack can be configured too in the webpack definitions.
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: './path/file.js'
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: 'webpack.bundle.js'
To run webpack and build your file, you need to first install webpack using some manager of dependencies (npm, yarn ...).
npm i --save webpack
yarn add webpack
As default the webpack generate the file in ./dist diretory with the name of entry file.
And after, for simplify the things, we can use the webpack cli to build our application
npm i --save-dev webpack-cli
yarn add -D webpack-cli
The webpack can be customizated using a .js file that will be contais all informations of the way the webpack will be run.
By default, the webpack looks for a file called webpack.config.js, but you can change this when calling the cli command.