MyWallet V3 Frontend Build Status Coverage Status

An AngularJS bitcoin web wallet powered by My-Wallet-V3.

This is the new and improved wallet. You can see it at For the original wallet at please see this repository or contact support.


Make sure you have Node.js installed.

Some NodeJS components need to be installed system wide:

npm install -g grunt-cli coffee-script

You also need Sass (use sudo if you're not using a Ruby version manager):

gem install sass

Install dependencies:

npm install

Create a file called .env in the root of the project. Put the following in it:



Grunt watches and compiles the Jade view templates and CSS. Keep it running:



To run test and monitor for changes:

npm test

A coverage report is generated after you run the test for the first time. Just open coverage/index.html in your browser.


Run local http server:

npm start

Visit Do not use localhost:8080. You will need to modify your "hosts" file (/etc/hosts on OSX and most UNIX systems) because this is no longer registered at the DNS level for application security reasons. Add this line to /etc/hosts:

Developing My-Wallet-V3

If you are making changes to My-Wallet-V3 that you want to try out in the frontend, create a symlink:

rm My-Wallet-V3-Frontend/bower_components/blockchain-wallet/dist/my-wallet.js
ln -s ../../../../My-Wallet-V3/dist/my-wallet.js My-Wallet-V3-Frontend/bower_components/blockchain-wallet/dist/my-wallet.js


You can open any wallet registered with your email address. It will ask you to upgrade to HD if needed. You can also sign up for a new wallet.

After login, you'll see a list of accounts. There will be delay before transactions and the correct balances show up. If something goes wrong during the login process, error messages appear in the console.

To automatically login after every page refresh, create a file .env and add SAVE_PASSWORD=1 to it.

To reclaim funds from an email take code at the of link and add it to #/claim, e.g.:

If you enable "handle bitcoin links" in your wallet settings, you can open bitcoin URI's like this one:



Did you know you can sign your commits using a PGP key?


Not supported by the server yet.


Create a static HTML/JS/CSS distribution package in dist.

grunt dist

If you get 403 error from Github (because you exceeded their rate limit), create a personal access token. Only select public_repo from the list.

GITHUB_USER=... GITHUB_TOKEN=... grunt dist

If you don't care about securely downloading dependencies and want to avoid using your Github credentials, use grunt dist_unsafe instead.

You can test the resulting files by setting DIST=1 in .env and restarting the server.

index.html should be cached using If-Modified-Since or etag. All other files contain a hash of their content and should be cached forever.


Security issues can be reported to us in the following venues: