WebBeds Developers Coding Exercise

About me


  • Visual Studio 2019


This is a resulting WebBeds Developers Coding Exercise required for joining the WebBeds IT team. This is an opportunity to demonstrate my skills and experiences. The exercise is created using .NET Core and C#.

Coding Exercise

Task description

You work for the Cheap Awesome travel company. Valentine’s day is arriving, and a new special landing page will be created on our website: http://cheapawesome.travel. As part of the connectivity team, you have been tasked to create a service that will consume the Hotel Availability API from our new supplier Bargains for Couples. Bargains For Couples provides an API hosted at https://webbedsdevtest.azurewebsites.net/api/ as well as some documentation about its methods. The endpoint for availability has the following specs:

  • API Method: findBargain
  • Query String Parameters:
Name Type Description
destinationId Integer Destination ID Ex: 279, 1419
nights Integer Number of nights
code String Secret authentication code aWH1EX7ladA8C/oWJX5nVLoEa4XKz2a64yaWVvzioNYcEo8Le8caJw==

Task objectives

The goal is to consume this API and return a list of hotels with one final price per Board Type, with response time under 1 second.

The response will contain a list of hotels with rates. The rates have a Board Type, Value and Rate Type (Per Night or Stay).

  • If rate type is Per Night, you must calculate the final price (Value x Number of nights).
  • If rate type is Stay, value is already the final price.

Example Supplier API response

    "hotel": {
      "propertyID": 79732,
      "name": "JAC Canada (CA$)8314",
      "geoId": 279,
      "rating": 3
    "rates": [
        "rateType": "PerNight",
        "boardType": "No Meals",
        "value": 207.6
        "rateType": "PerNight",
        "boardType": "Half Board",
        "value": 242.2
        "rateType": "PerNight",
        "boardType": "Full Board",
        "value": 276.8
    "hotel": {
      "propertyID": 79821,
      "name": "JAC Canada (CA$)8555",
      "geoId": 279,
      "rating": 3
    "rates": [
        "rateType": "Stay",
        "boardType": "No Meals",
        "value": 590.4
        "rateType": "Stay",
        "boardType": "Half Board",
        "value": 688.8
        "rateType": "Stay",
        "boardType": "Full Board",
        "value": 787.2



For the architecture of this project I have used a variant of "Clean Architecture" based on the book by Robert C. Martin. The objectives of this architecture are:

  • Application independent of frameworks
  • Testable
  • Application independent of UI
  • Application independent of database
  • Application independent of external agency

We are going to handle three projects in Visual Studio as layers:

  • CheapAwesome.API: The presentation project has our controllers, properties, settings and two important files (Startup.cs and Program.cs).
  • CheapAwesome.Infrastructure: This project contains our repositories and mappings.
  • CheapAwesome.Core: The Core project contains our entities, interfaces, services and DTOs.

We also have a folder in which the unit tests project is included. These tests will guarantee the correct functioning and quality of the generated code.

  • CheapAwesome.UnitTest

The API project has access to the rest of the layers, while the infrastructure project also has access to the core or domain project. The core project has no dependencies.