Portfolio (v1)

Custom Portfolio Website using React.Js

Functions / Abilities

Abilities Function
Config Change the config (at src/App.js, Line 7)
Dynamic Projects Add/Remove projects from the Config

Clone this Repository

  1. Close using git
> git clone https://github.com/RaphielHS/portfolio.git && cd ./portfolio
  1. open cmd and run
> npm i
> npm start

How to start the Server

> npm start
^^ Starts the server normaly (Debug/Development)
> npm build
^^ Starts the server as production 


Name Contribution Last contributed (MM/DD/YYY)
RaphielHS Readme.md 6/9/2022
RaphielHS Research and Development 6/9/2022
RaphielHS The actual code 6/9/2022
Google Solved 75% of my confusion -