How to build:
Use the very osx only makefile, cmake is only used by my IDE for autocompletion.
- sdl2 (
brew install sdl2
) - stb_image (
already in the repository
- Materials: Lambertian (matte), Metal, Dielectric (glass, water etc...)
- Primitives: sphere, rectangle, axis-aligned box, triangle
- Textures: checker, normal debug, bitmap texture
- Utilities: thread pool (inspired from pithikos/c-thread-pool)
- Materials: physically based materials (cook-torrance ?)
- Primitive: plane, torus, open cylinder, cubic primitives
- Textures: perlin
- Acceleration structure: BVH (AABB)
- Complex mesh: fractals ? 4 degree primitives ? triangulated meshes
- Rendering techniques: ambient occlusion, depth of field, camera eye