AmazonS3 Package

Store and retrieve data at any time from the web.

  • Domain:
  • Credentials: apiKey, apiSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. Go to Amazon Console
  2. Log in or create new account
  3. In the dropdown from your username, select 'My Security Credentials'
  4. On the left side, select 'Groups' and create a new Group with the necessary polices
  5. Create new user and assign to existing group
  6. After creating user you will see credentials

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time 2016-05-28 00:00:00
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated 50.37, 26.56
List Simple array ["123", "sample"]
Select String with predefined values sample
Array Array of objects [{"Second name":"123","Age":"12","Photo":"sdf","Draft":"sdfsdf"},{"name":"adi","Second name":"bla","Age":"4","Photo":"asfserwe","Draft":"sdfsdf"}]


This endpoint returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.


This endpoint returns some or all (up to 1,000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request parameters as selection criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns the Transfer Acceleration state of a bucket, which is either Enabled or Suspended.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns the access control list (ACL) of a bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns the cors configuration information set for the bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns the policy of a specified bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns a bucket's region.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns the logging status of a bucket and the permissions users have to view and modify that status.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns the notification configuration of a bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns the replication configuration information set on the bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns the tag set associated with the bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns a list of metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.
delimiter String Optional: A delimiter is a character that you specify to group keys. All keys that contain the same string between the prefix and the first occurrence of the delimiter are grouped under a single result element in CommonPrefixes. These groups are counted as one result against the max-keys limitation. These keys are not returned elsewhere in the response. Also, see prefix.
keyMarker String Optional: Specifies the key in the bucket that you want to start listing from. Also, see version-id-marker.
maxKeys String Optional: Sets the maximum number of keys returned in the response body. The response might contain fewer keys, but will never contain more. Default: 1000
prefix String Optional: Use this parameter to select only those keys that begin with the specified prefix. You can use prefixes to separate a bucket into different groupings of keys. (You can think of using prefix to make groups in the same way you'd use a folder in a file system.) You can use prefix with delimiter to roll up numerous objects into a single result under CommonPrefixes. Also, see delimiter.
versionIdMarker String Optional: Specifies the object version you want to start listing from. Also, see key-marker. Valid Values: Valid version ID Default


This endpoint returns the request payment configuration of a bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns the versioning state of a bucket. To retrieve the versioning state of a bucket, you must be the bucket owner.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns the website configuration associated with a bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint allows to determine if a bucket exists and you have permission to access it.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.


This endpoint returns a list of in-progress multipart uploads. An in-progress multipart upload is a multipart upload that has been initiated using the Initiate Multipart Upload request, but has not yet been completed or aborted.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of the bucket.
delimiter String Optional: Character you use to group keys. All keys that contain the same string between the prefix, if specified, and the first occurrence of the delimiter after the prefix are grouped under a single result element, CommonPrefixes. If you don't specify the prefix parameter, then the substring starts at the beginning of the key. The keys that are grouped under CommonPrefixes result element are not returned elsewhere in the response.
keyMarker String Optional: Together with upload-id-marker, this parameter specifies the multipart upload after which listing should begin.
maxUploads String Optional: Sets the maximum number of multipart uploads, from 1 to 1,000, to return in the response body. 1,000 is the maximum number of uploads that can be returned in a response. Default: 1,000
prefix String Optional: Lists in-progress uploads only for those keys that begin with the specified prefix.
uploadIdMarker String Optional: ogether with key-marker, specifies the multipart upload after which listing should begin. If key-marker is not specified, the upload-id-marker parameter is ignored. Otherwise, any multipart uploads for a key equal to the key-marker might be included in the list only if they have an upload ID lexicographically greater than the specified upload-id-marker.


This endpoint allows to create a new bucket

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of new bucket.
bucketRegion String Required: The region of new bucket.
cannedAcl String Optional: The canned ACL to apply to the bucket you are creating. Valid Values: private, public-read, public-read-write, aws-exec-read, authenticated-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control. Format: value1, value2,...
grantFullControl String Optional: Allows grantee the READ, WRITE, READ_ACP, and WRITE_ACP permissions on the bucket. Default: None. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantRead String Optional: Allows grantee to list the objects in the bucket. Default: None. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantReadACP String Optional: Allows grantee to read the bucket ACL. Default: None. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantWrite String Optional: Allows grantee to create, overwrite, and delete any object in the bucket. Default: None. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantWriteACP String Optional: Allows grantee to read the bucket ACL. Default: None. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""


This endpoint allows to set the Transfer Acceleration state of an existing bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
status String Required: Sets the transfer acceleration state of the bucket. Valid Values: Enabled OR Suspended


This endpoint allows to set the permissions on an existing bucket using access control lists (ACL).

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
grants JSON Required: Array of json objects. The array of grantees. See README for more details.
cannedAcl String Optional: The canned ACL to apply to the bucket you are creating. Valid Values: private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read. Default: private. Format: value1, value2...
grantFullControl String Optional: Allows the specified grantee(s) the READ, WRITE, READ_ACP, and WRITE_ACP permissions on the bucket. Default: None. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantRead String Optional: Allows the specified grantee(s) to list the objects in the bucket. Default: None. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantReadACP String Optional: Allows the specified grantee(s) to read the bucket ACL. Default: None. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantWrite String Optional: Allows the specified grantee(s) to create, overwrite, and delete any object in the bucket. Default: None. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantWriteACP String Optional: Allows the specified grantee(s) to write the ACL for the applicable bucket. Default: None. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""

grants format

  "Grants": [
      "Grantee": {
        "DisplayName": "string",
        "EmailAddress": "string",
        "ID": "string",
        "Type": "CanonicalUser"|"AmazonCustomerByEmail"|"Group",
        "URI": "string"
      "Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"|"WRITE"|"WRITE_ACP"|"READ"|"READ_ACP"
  "Owner": {
    "DisplayName": "string",
    "ID": "string"

grants example



Sets the cors configuration for your bucket. If the configuration exists, Amazon S3 replaces it.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
CORSRules JSON Required: Array of json objects. The array of CORSRules. See README for more details.


  "CORSRules": [
      "AllowedHeaders": ["string", ...],
      "AllowedMethods": ["string", ...],
      "AllowedOrigins": ["string", ...],
      "ExposeHeaders": ["string", ...],
      "MaxAgeSeconds": integer

CORSRules example



Creates a new lifecycle configuration for the bucket or replaces an existing lifecycle configuration.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
rules JSON Required: Array of json objects. The lifecycle configuration consisting of one or more rules. See README for more details.


  "Rules": [
      "Expiration": {
        "Date": timestamp,
        "Days": integer,
        "ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker": true|false
      "ID": "string",
      "Prefix": "string",
      "Filter": {
        "Prefix": "string",
        "Tag": {
          "Key": "string",
          "Value": "string"
        "And": {
          "Prefix": "string",
          "Tags": [
              "Key": "string",
              "Value": "string"
      "Status": "Enabled"|"Disabled",
      "Transitions": [
          "Date": timestamp,
          "Days": integer,
          "StorageClass": "GLACIER"|"STANDARD_IA"
      "NoncurrentVersionTransitions": [
          "NoncurrentDays": integer,
          "StorageClass": "GLACIER"|"STANDARD_IA"
      "NoncurrentVersionExpiration": {
        "NoncurrentDays": integer
      "AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload": {
        "DaysAfterInitiation": integer

rules example

    "Rules": [
            "ID": "Move rotated logs to Glacier",
            "Prefix": "rotated/",
            "Status": "Enabled",
            "Transitions": [
                    "Date": "2015-11-10T00:00:00.000Z",
                    "StorageClass": "GLACIER"
            "Status": "Enabled",
            "Prefix": "",
            "NoncurrentVersionTransitions": [
                    "NoncurrentDays": 2,
                    "StorageClass": "GLACIER"
            "ID": "Move old versions to Glacier"


This endpoint allows to add to or replace a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this request completely replaces it.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
policy JSON Required: Json object. Policy written in JSON. See README for more details.

policy format

   "Statement": [
         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Principal": "*",
         "Action": "s3:GetObject",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::MyBucket/*"
         "Effect": "Deny",
         "Principal": "*",
         "Action": "s3:GetObject",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::MyBucket/MySecretFolder/*"
         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Principal": {
            "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root"
         "Action": [
         "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::MyBucket/*"


This endpoint allows to set the logging parameters for a bucket and to specify permissions for who can view and modify the logging parameters.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
targetGrants JSON Required: Array of objects. Container for granting information. See README for more information.
targetBucket String Optional: Specifies the bucket where you want Amazon S3 to store server access logs. You can have your logs delivered to any bucket that you own, including the same bucket that is being logged. You can also configure multiple buckets to deliver their logs to the same target bucket. In this case you should choose a different TargetPrefix for each source bucket so that the delivered log files can be distinguished by key.
targetPrefix String Optional: This element lets you specify a prefix for the keys that the log files will be stored under.

targetGrants format

        "Grantee": {
          "DisplayName": "string",
          "EmailAddress": "string",
          "ID": "string",
          "Type": "CanonicalUser"|"AmazonCustomerByEmail"|"Group",
          "URI": "string"
        "Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"|"READ"|"WRITE"

targetGrants example

        "Grantee": {
          "Type": "AmazonCustomerByEmail",
          "EmailAddress": ""
        "Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
        "Grantee": {
          "Type": "Group",
          "URI": ""
        "Permission": "READ"


This endpoint allows to add a set of tags to an existing bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
tagSet JSON Required: Array of objects. Container for a set of tags See README for more information.

tagSet format


tagSet example

        "Key":"new tag",


This endpoint allows to add a set of tags to an existing bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
payer String Required: Specifies who pays for the download and request fees. Valid Values: Requester, BucketOwner


This endpoint allows to set the versioning state of an existing bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
MFA String Optional: The value is the concatenation of the authentication device's serial number, a space, and the value displayed on your authentication device. Required to configure the versioning state if versioning is configured with MFA Delete enabled.
MFADelete String Optional: Specifies whether MFA Delete is enabled in the bucket versioning configuration. Valid Values: Disabled OR Enabled. Can only be used when you use Status.
status String Optional: Sets the versioning state of the bucket. Valid Values: Suspended OR Enabled


This endpoint allows to set the configuration of the website that is specified.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
indexDocument String Required: A suffix that is appended to a request that is for a directory on the website endpoint (e.g., if the suffix is index.html and you make a request to samplebucket, images, the data that is returned will be for the object with the key name images,index.html). The suffix must not be empty and must not include a slash character.
errorDocument String Optional: This key identifies the page that is returned when such an error occurs.
redirectHostName String Optional: The host name to use in the redirect request.
redirectProtocol String Optional: The protocol to use in the redirect request.
routingRules JSON Optional: Array of objects. Container for a collection of RoutingRule elements. See README for more details.

routingRules format

"RoutingRules": [
      "Condition": {
        "HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals": "string",
        "KeyPrefixEquals": "string"
      "Redirect": {
        "HostName": "string",
        "HttpRedirectCode": "string",
        "Protocol": "http"|"https",
        "ReplaceKeyPrefixWith": "string",
        "ReplaceKeyWith": "string"

routingRules example

  "RoutingRules": [
      "Condition": {
        "KeyPrefixEquals": "docs"
      "Redirect": {
        "ReplaceKeyPrefixWith": "documents"


This endpoint allows to retrieve objects from Amazon S3.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
objectName String Required: The name of the object to be retrieved.
ifMatch String Optional: Return the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is the same as the one specified; otherwise, return a 412 (precondition failed).
ifModifiedSince String Optional: Return the object only if it has not been modified since the specified time, otherwise return a 412 (precondition failed).
ifNoneMatch String Optional: Return the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is different from the one specified; otherwise, return a 304 (not modified).
ifUnmodifiedSince String Optional: Return the object only if it has not been modified since the specified time, otherwise return a 412 (precondition failed).
range String Optional: Downloads the specified range bytes of an object. For more information about the HTTP Range header, go to
responseCacheControl String Optional: Sets the Cache-Control header of the response.
responseContentDisposition String Optional: Sets the Content-Disposition header of the response.
responseContentEncoding String Optional: Sets the Content-Encoding header of the response.
responseContentLanguage String Optional: Sets the Content-Language header of the response.
responseContentType String Optional: Sets the Content-Type header of the response.
responseExpires String Optional: Sets the Expires header of the response.
SSECustomerAlgorithm String Optional: Specifies the algorithm to use to when decrypting the requested object. Default: None. Valid Values: AES256
SSECustomerKey String Optional: Specifies the customer-provided base64-encoded encryption key to use to decrypt the requested object. This value is used to perform the decryption and then it is discarded; Amazon does not store the key. The key must be appropriate for use with the algorithm specified in the x-amz-server-side​-encryption​-customer-algorithm header.
SSECustomerKeyMD5 String Optional: Specifies the base64-encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the customer-provided encryption key according to RFC 1321. Amazon S3 uses this header for a message integrity check to ensure that the encryption key was transmitted without error.


This endpoint returns the access control list (ACL) of an object.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
objectName String Required: The name of the object to be retrieved.


This endpoint return torrent files from a bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
objectName String Required: The name of the object to be retrieved.


This endpoint retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object itself.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
objectName String Required: The name of the object to be retrieved.
ifMatch String Optional: Return the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is the same as the one specified; otherwise, return a 412 (precondition failed).
ifModifiedSince String Optional: Return the object only if it has not been modified since the specified time, otherwise return a 412 (precondition failed).
ifNoneMatch String Optional: Return the object only if its entity tag (ETag) is different from the one specified; otherwise, return a 304 (not modified).
ifUnmodifiedSince String Optional: Return the object only if it has not been modified since the specified time, otherwise return a 412 (precondition failed).
range String Optional: Downloads the specified range bytes of an object. For more information about the HTTP Range header, go to
SSECustomerAlgorithm String Optional: Specifies the algorithm to use to when decrypting the requested object. Default: None. Valid Values: AES256
SSECustomerKey String Optional: Specifies the customer-provided base64-encoded encryption key to use to decrypt the requested object. This value is used to perform the decryption and then it is discarded; Amazon does not store the key. The key must be appropriate for use with the algorithm specified in the x-amz-server-side​-encryption​-customer-algorithm header.
SSECustomerKeyMD5 String Optional: Specifies the base64-encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the customer-provided encryption key according to RFC 1321. Amazon S3 uses this header for a message integrity check to ensure that the encryption key was transmitted without error.


This endpoint allows to restore a temporary copy of an archived object. You can optionally provide version ID to restore specific object version. If version ID is not provided, it will restore the current version.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
objectName String Required: The name of the object to be retrieved.
days String Required: Lifetime of the restored (active) copy. The minimum number of days that you can restore an object from Amazon Glacier is 1. After the object copy reaches the specified lifetime, Amazon S3 removes the copy from the bucket.
tier String Required: The retrieval option to use when restoring the archive. Standard is the default. Valid values: Expedited, Standard, Bulk
versionId String Optional: version ID to restore specific object version.


This endpoint allows to add an object to a bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
objectName String Required: The name of the object to be retrieved.
objectBody File Required: File to be uploaded to the bucket.
acl String Optional: The canned ACL to apply to the object. Default: private. Valid Values: private, public-read, public-read-write, aws-exec-read, authenticated-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control
cacheControl String Optional: Can be used to specify caching behavior along the request/reply chain. For more information, go to
contentDisposition String Optional: Specifies presentational information for the object. For more information, go to
contentEncoding String Optional: Specifies what content encodings have been applied to the object and thus what decoding mechanisms must be applied to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type header field. For more information, go to
contentLanguage String Optional: The language the content is in.
contentLength String Optional: The size of the object, in bytes. For more information, go to
contentType String Optional: A standard MIME type describing the format of the contents. For more information, go to
expires String Optional: The date and time at which the object is no longer cacheable. For more information, go to
grantFullControl String Optional: Allows grantee the READ, READ_ACP, and WRITE_ACP permissions on the object. You specify each grantee as a type=value pair, where the type can be one of the following: emailAddress – if value specified is the email address of an AWS account; id – if value specified is the canonical user ID of an AWS account; uri – if granting permission to a predefined group. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantRead String Optional: Allows grantee to read the object data and its metadata. You specify each grantee as a type=value pair, where the type can be one of the following: emailAddress – if value specified is the email address of an AWS account; id – if value specified is the canonical user ID of an AWS account; uri – if granting permission to a predefined group. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantReadACP String Optional: Allows grantee to read the object ACL. You specify each grantee as a type=value pair, where the type can be one of the following: emailAddress – if value specified is the email address of an AWS account; id – if value specified is the canonical user ID of an AWS account; uri – if granting permission to a predefined group. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantWriteACP String Optional: Allows grantee to write the ACL for the applicable object. You specify each grantee as a type=value pair, where the type can be one of the following: emailAddress – if value specified is the email address of an AWS account; id – if value specified is the canonical user ID of an AWS account; uri – if granting permission to a predefined group. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
metadata JSON Optional: Array of strings. A map of metadata to store with the object in S3. Example: ['', ...]
SSECustomerAlgorithm String Optional: Specifies the algorithm to use to when encrypting the object. Valid Value: AES256
SSECustomerKey String Optional: Specifies the customer-provided base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use in encrypting data. This value is used to store the object and then is discarded; Amazon does not store the encryption key. The key must be appropriate for use with the algorithm specified in the x-amz-server-side​-encryption​-customer-algorithm header.
SSECustomerKeyMD5 String Optional: Specifies the base64-encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the encryption key according to RFC 1321. Amazon S3 uses this header for a message integrity check to ensure the encryption key was transmitted without error.
SSEKMSKeyId String Optional: If the x-amz-server-side-encryption is present and has the value of aws:kms, this header specifies the ID of the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) master encryption key that was used for the object.
serverSideEncryption String Optional: Specifies a server-side encryption algorithm to use when Amazon S3 creates an object. Valid Value: aws:kms, AES256
storageClass String Optional: If you don't specify, Standard is the default storage class. Amazon S3 supports other storage classes. Valid Values: STANDARD, STANDARD_IA, REDUCED_REDUNDANCY
tagging String Optional: Specifies a set of one or more tags you want to associated with the object. These tags are stored in the tagging subresource associated with the object.
websiteRedirectLocation String Optional: If the bucket is configured as a website, redirects requests for this object to another object in the same bucket or to an external URL.

metadata format

['meta1', 'meta2']


This endpoint allows to create a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
objectName String Required: The name of the source bucket and key name of the source object to be copied, separated by a slash.
copySource String Required: The name of the source bucket and key name of the source object, separated by a slash.
acl String Optional: The canned ACL to apply to the object. Default: private. Valid Values: private, public-read, public-read-write, aws-exec-read, authenticated-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control
copySourceIfMatch String Optional: Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) matches the specified tag; otherwise, the request returns a 412 HTTP status code error (failed precondition).
copySourceIfModifiedSince String Optional: Copies the object if it has been modified since the specified time; otherwise, the request returns a 412 HTTP status code error (failed condition).
copySourceIfNoneMatch String Optional: Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) is different than the specified ETag; otherwise, the request returns a 412 HTTP status code error (failed precondition).
copySourceIfUnmodifiedSince String Optional: Copies the object if it hasn't been modified since the specified time; otherwise, the request returns a 412 HTTP status code error (failed precondition).
copySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm String Optional: Specifies the algorithm to use to when encrypting the object. Valid Value: AES256. Default: None
copySourceSSECustomerKey String Optional: Specifies the customer-provided base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use in encrypting data. This value is used to store the object and then is discarded; Amazon does not store the encryption key. The key must be appropriate for use with the algorithm specified in the x-amz-server-side​-encryption​-customer-algorithm header.
copySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5 String Optional: Specifies the base64-encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the encryption key according to RFC 1321. Amazon S3 uses this header as a message integrity check to ensure the encryption key was transmitted without error.
grantFullControl String Optional: Allows grantee the READ, READ_ACP, and WRITE_ACP permissions on the object. You specify each grantee as a type=value pair, where the type can be one of the following: emailAddress – if value specified is the email address of an AWS account; id – if value specified is the canonical user ID of an AWS account; uri – if granting permission to a predefined group. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantRead String Optional: Allows grantee to read the object data and its metadata. You specify each grantee as a type=value pair, where the type can be one of the following: emailAddress – if value specified is the email address of an AWS account; id – if value specified is the canonical user ID of an AWS account; uri – if granting permission to a predefined group. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantReadACP String Optional: Allows grantee to read the object ACL. You specify each grantee as a type=value pair, where the type can be one of the following: emailAddress – if value specified is the email address of an AWS account; id – if value specified is the canonical user ID of an AWS account; uri – if granting permission to a predefined group. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
grantWriteACP String Optional: Allows grantee to write the ACL for the applicable object. You specify each grantee as a type=value pair, where the type can be one of the following: emailAddress – if value specified is the email address of an AWS account; id – if value specified is the canonical user ID of an AWS account; uri – if granting permission to a predefined group. Example: emailAddress="", emailAddress=""
SSECustomerAlgorithm String Optional: Specifies the algorithm to use to when encrypting the object. Valid Value: AES256
SSECustomerKey String Optional: Specifies the customer-provided base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use in encrypting data. This value is used to store the object and then is discarded; Amazon does not store the encryption key. The key must be appropriate for use with the algorithm specified in the x-amz-server-side​-encryption​-customer-algorithm header.
SSECustomerKeyMD5 String Optional: Specifies the base64-encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the encryption key according to RFC 1321. Amazon S3 uses this header for a message integrity check to ensure the encryption key was transmitted without error.
SSEKMSKeyId String Optional: If the x-amz-server-side-encryption is present and has the value of aws:kms, this header specifies the ID of the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) master encryption key that was used for the object.
serverSideEncryption String Optional: Specifies a server-side encryption algorithm to use when Amazon S3 creates an object. Valid Value: aws:kms, AES256
storageClass String Optional: If you don't specify, Standard is the default storage class. Amazon S3 supports other storage classes. Valid Values: STANDARD, STANDARD_IA, REDUCED_REDUNDANCY
metadataDirective String Optional: Specifies whether the metadata is copied from the source object or replaced with metadata provided in the request. Default: COPY. Valid values: COPY, REPLACE
taggingDirective String Optional: Specifies whether the object tags are copied from the source object or replaced with tags provided in the request. Default: COPY. Valid values: COPY, REPLACE
websiteRedirectLocation String Optional: If the bucket is configured as a website, redirects requests for this object to another object in the same bucket or to an external URL. Amazon S3 stores the value of this header in the object metadata.


This operation lists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific multipart upload.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
objectName String Required: The name of the object to be copied.
uploadId String Required: Upload ID identifying the multipart upload.
encodingType String Optional: Requests Amazon S3 to encode the response and specifies the encoding method to use. Default: None. Valid value: url
maxParts String Optional: Sets the maximum number of parts to return in the response body. Default: 1,000
partNumberMarker String Optional: Specifies the part after which listing should begin. Only parts with higher part numbers will be listed.


This operation removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, which becomes the current version of the object. If there isn't a null version, Amazon S3 does not remove any objects.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
objectName String Required: The name of the object to be copied.
MFA String Optional: The value is the concatenation of the authentication device's serial number, a space, and the value displayed on your authentication device. Default: None. Condition: Required to permanently delete a versioned object if versioning is configured with MFA Delete enabled.
versionId String Optional: VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object.


This operation enables you to delete multiple objects from a bucket using a single HTTP request. You may specify up to 1000 objects.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.
objects JSON Required: Array of objects. Container element that describes the delete request for an object. See README for more details.
MFA String Optional: The value is the concatenation of the authentication device's serial number, a space, and the value displayed on your authentication device. Default: None. Condition: Required to permanently delete a versioned object if versioning is configured with MFA Delete enabled.
quiet String Optional: Element to enable quiet mode for the request. When you add this element, you must set its value to true. true OR false

objects format

      "Key": "string",
      "VersionId": "string"

objects example

      "Key": "test1.txt"


This operation removes the website configuration from the bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.


This operation deletes the tags from the bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.


This operation deletes the tags from the bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.


This operation deletes the policy from the bucket

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.


This operation deletes the lifecycle configuration from the bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.


This operation deletes the cors configuration information set for the bucket.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.


This operation deletes the bucket. All objects (including all object versions and Delete Markers) in the bucket must be deleted before the bucket itself can be deleted.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Required: API key obtained from Amazon.
apiSecret credentials Required: API secret obtained from Amazon.
region String Required: Region.
bucketName String Required: The name of bucket.