Accelerating the evaluation of multi-table join queries in databases and graphs using multi-way join (AMHJ) and worst-case optimal join (ALFTJ).
Compile the dependency cub
before compiling our code.
mdkir dependencies/cudpp/build
cd dependencies/cudpp/build
cmake ..
make -j16
cd ../../..
Then, compile our code by the following commands.
mkdir MHJ-GPU/build
cd MHJ-GPU/build
cmake ..
make -j16
cd ../..
mkdir LFTJ-GPU/build
cd LFTJ-GPU/build
cmake ..
make -j16
cd ../..
The versions of the software we use is listed as follows.
cmake: 3.20.2
Make: 4.2.1
GCC: 8.5.0
cuda: 10.2
Use the following command to run AMHJ.
./MHJ-GPU/build/exec-AMHJ <query-type> <dataset-path> <ooc> <ws> <dro> <fib>
The description and options of each parameter are listed in the following table.
Parameters | Description | Valid Value |
query-type | Type of query | NORMAL/TRI/FOUR |
dataset-path | Path of the query | N/A |
ooc | Disable/Enable out of core support | 0/1 |
ws | Disable/Enable work sharing | 0/1 |
dro | Disable/Enable direct result output | 0/1 |
fib | Disable/Enable frequent item buffering | 0/1 |
Use the following command to run ALFTJ.
./LFTJ-GPU/build/exec-LFTJ <dataset-path> <algo-type> <ooc> <ws>
The description and options of each parameter are listed in the following table.
Parameters | Description | Valid Value |
dataset-path | Path of the query | N/A |
algo-type | Type of algorithm (BFS/DFS) | 0/1 |
ooc | Disable/Enable out of core support | 0/1 |
ws | Disable/Enable work sharing | 0/1 |