A serverless slack bot that handles standup meeting via Slack!
When the meeting starts, participants will be sent the usual three questions:
What did you do yesterday What are you going to do today? Any blockers?
Participants will respond to each question individually and the bot will compile the answers. At the end of the meeting, the bot will generate a report in the configured channel.
Configure the AWS profiles for each environment you want to deploy in serverless.yml
dev: your-dev-profile
To deploy run:
npm run deploy:dev
or set NODE_ENV to the desire environment and run:
EXPORT=prod npm run deploy
To configure who is going to participate in the standup you must gather the slack id and name of each user.
The slack-user-scrapper script will help you on this by listing all users in your workspace and giving you the option to select them.
When you have the list of users, configure ./src/config.ts like this:
export default {
userId: 'UFLFZ8HNE',
username: 'ducky',
} as IConfig;
Cron expressions are used to describe start and end time meeting. Modify this in env.yml. Example:
# Start meeting at 10:00am weekdays
MEETING_START_TIME: "cron(0 10 ? * MON-FRI *)"
# End meeting at 10:30am weekdays
MEETING_END_TIME: "cron(30 10 ? * MON-FRI *)"
To modify questions, update ./src/config.ts:
export default {
// any string
questionId: 'WDYDY',
// represents the order of the questions
order: 0,
// Question to be asked
text: 'What did you do yesterday',
} as IConfig;