Rapyd Samples
Explore comprehensive code samples, tutorials, and developer resources using the Rapyd API.
Pinned Repositories
Explore top payment methods to learn how you can build with Rapyd in a single integration offering customers their preferred local payment features.
A simple flutter app to demonstrate how to use Rapyd collection API for payment collection
Rapyd Collect is a payment gateway platform that enables businesses and individuals (clients) to accept payment fast, easily, securely, globally, and via multiple channels. Its security while managing sensitive information is assured with a Level 1 service provider certification.
A walk through of the steps for building a hosted checkout page with Rapyd Checkout and then embedding it in your website using Rapyd’s Checkout Toolkit.
Start here to learn more about Rapyd and our APIs. Links to resources that can help you get started.
When you send a request, you calculate the signature and insert the result into the signature header. When the platform receives the request, it performs the same signature calculation. If the resulting values do not match, the request is rejected.
This official repository contains the OpenAPI specifications for Rapyd.
Rapyd's CLI tool allows developers to interact directly with its API endpoints in a simplified manner. This streamlined approach enables sending requests and receiving responses without the complexities of a graphical interface, making the testing process more efficient.
Learn how to send requests and catch webhooks using Rapyd Checkout and WhatsApp.
Rapyd Samples's Repositories
Explore top payment methods to learn how you can build with Rapyd in a single integration offering customers their preferred local payment features.
This official repository contains the OpenAPI specifications for Rapyd.
Learn how to send requests and catch webhooks using Rapyd Checkout and WhatsApp.
This project is an accompaniment to an article detailing how to build, style and validate a basic Flutter form.
Rapyd Collect is a payment gateway platform that enables businesses and individuals (clients) to accept payment fast, easily, securely, globally, and via multiple channels. Its security while managing sensitive information is assured with a Level 1 service provider certification.
A walk through of the steps for building a hosted checkout page with Rapyd Checkout and then embedding it in your website using Rapyd’s Checkout Toolkit.
Build a robust travel agency web application that enables users to register, log in, explore listed trips, and book their desired journeys with ease. Seamlessly integrate Rapyd's payment processing capabilities into your Python and React application to offer secure and efficient payment solutions for travelers.
Creating and Paying a Delivery Invoice with the Rapyd API article to learn how to implement an invoicing app using Next.js and the Rapyd API.
Gig Economy app using Rapyd API - Rapyd Disburse lets you pay contractors, workers, suppliers, or any business. In this guide, you’ll learn how to use the Rapyd Disburse API to build a gig payment app for freelancers. The app will allow freelancers to add their profile and bank details and request payments on demand or periodically.
Learn how to integrate Rapyd Collect’s Hosted Checkout workflow in a Python application
The app has a user interface that displays the employee’s profile, bank details, and salary and the employee status toggle. You’ll develop the user interface using Next.js, a frontend technology framework. Additionally, you’ll leverage the Next.js server API capability as the backend to handle the application logic and Rapyd Disburse API.
Learn how you can email invoices to your customers after checking out with Rapyd in a single integration offering.
Make a GET request to List Countries and start testing the Rapyd API.
How to integrate Rapyd’s OpenAPI into an existing Flutter application, which has a product page, checkout button, and payment success and failure pages.
Learn how to implement request signatures in PHP in order to authenticate and send requests to the Rapyd API. To do so, you’ll create a fresh PHP application that sends requests to the Rapyd API to retrieve the available payment methods for a specific country and displays the response in HTML. PHP powers applications like Facebook, Wordpress, Wikip
Unofficial Rapyd JS SDK
How to use GPT-4 to create a secure payment form and workflow using Rapyd's API.
The project purpose is to show how to create a secure PCI compliant payment using credit card, then save the tokens of the card and create a payment using this tokens.
Checkout Toolkit has been designed to embed directly into shopping cart payment acceptance fields giving you more control over the entire checkout experience.
A simple Java-based webstore that uses Rapyd's hosted Checkout screen.
Learn how to implement a subscription model with the free trial technique for your SaaS product using the Rapyd Collect API. Rapyd Collect is a global payment acceptance platform that helps businesses transact with their locally-preferred payment methods. Rapyd is on a mission to liberate global commerce with all the tools you need for payments, pa
In the example used in this tutorial, you’ll integrate a payment gateway to collect payment for the online purchase of a book. The step-by-step section below will guide you through how to create a Rapyd Account, how to bootstrap a new PHP application, and how to create and customize a Rapyd checkout page.
How to generate Rapyd API signatures easily across a wide array of programming languages and frameworks
The bank transfer method is a highly in-demand option for payment, but implementing it can be a huge pain. Managing various banks’ different techniques and internationalizing is a challenging task, but it can be made much easier with the right solution.
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to use Rapyd’s sandbox environment to get API keys, perform and authorize API requests, create a Node.js app that uses the Rapyd Disburse API to easily send Swift payments to your customers and employees, and use Rapyd webhooks to listen to and confirm payout transactions upon completion.
Using Rapyd OpenAPI in a Flutter application.
Create a simple application to collect recurring payments for a monthly parking subscription. To implement the application, you’ll create customer profiles, link payment methods with customers, and set up recurring charges using a Node.js server.
How to integrate Rapyd payment gateway in a Ruby on Rails app