This proyect was developed in order to comply with the following User Story:

As a company executive, I want to see a list of all the invoices I have sent to my customers ordered by emission dates descending, so that I have a clear understanding of my accounts receivable.


To complete this proyect the following technologies were used:

  • NodeJS, to create the script that scans XML files and and converts it to objects then uploaded to Firebase.
  • JavaScript and React, to create the Front-End application that sorts and displays the information.
  • Firebase, as the database that enables communication between the two processes.


This proyects consists of two different sides to the software.

First, obtaining information about the invoices:

To get information about the invoices one must run a specific script that scans a specific folder and extracts the information of the XML files it finds, given that they follow a certain structure, indicated at the end of this README, it then constructs an object with the information and uploads it to Firebase (google's database), where it can then be accessed by the Front-End side of this app.

To achieve the above stated one must:

  1. Download/Clone this repository.
  2. If you don't already have Node installed in you computer, download it and install it.
  3. Open the Terminal in the main proyect folder and run npm install.
  4. Run the following command line node .\xmlScript\index.js ../invoices

This command line executes the program (.\xmlScript\index.js) and tells it to scan the following folder (../invoices), RELATIVE PATH from the folder the program is located in, in this case the xmlScript folder. You could also tell the program to run on a different path, and it would scan the XML files in it, but those files would have to have the same structure as those provided for this proyect (see below).

Second, to display the data in the browser:

You have two choices:

  1. Open the Terminal in the main proyect folder.
  2. Run npm start.


  1. Click the following link.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<dte emision="1559347200" tipo="factura" folio="1"> 
<emisor rut="111.111-6" razonSocial=“Company A" /> <receptor rut="222.222-1" razonSocial=“Company B" />
<detalle monto="100" iva="19">Service </detalle> 