


USER email: string password_hash: string (hash of the user's password for security)

TASK title: string description: text completed: boolen timespent: integer user_id: references users (user that the task is assigned to)


  • The login/register page is conditionally redered in the root component (it is only shown when the session is null) Login
  • Users must use their email and password to login
  • There account is verified and a session is given to the app state which contains a user id and session token


  • Users must use a unique email address, with validated format and that has not been user to register for another account
  • Passwords are hashed in the database for security


  • The main page has all of the primary functionality of the app

    New Task

    • This form is always open and allows users to create a new task
    • The contents of the form are stored in the local state of the task list component instead of the global redux store, because they are only relevant to this component
    • post request to create a task is authorized with the user token

    Log out

    • ends the current session and returns to login/register page


    • Tasks are rendered with form elements to assign to new users and checkbox to mark a task completed
    • Time logging is only shown for users who are assigned to tasks (if their session id matches the id of the user assigned to the task)
    • The individual form fields are stored in the local state of the task instead of the global store since they are only relevant to a specific task
    • Editing tasks is authorized with user token
    • Deleting tasks is authorized with user token

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  • Install Node.js dependencies with cd assets && npm install
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

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