An experimental onchain onframe game for Farcaster.

The premise of the game is simple: every user gets 1 button press and as a community, we need to make sure the button survives as long as possible. Every time someone presses the button, it resets its timer to 60 minutes. If no one presses it in that time, the game is over.

Technologies used

  • Dojo, a provable game engine and toolchain for building onchain games and autonomous worlds.
  • frog Vercel serverless template
  • Slot, a toolchain for rapidly spinning up Katana and Torii instances.

Local Development

Want to give this example a try? Clone the repo locally!

Make sure Dojo is installed (curl -L | bash). This repo uses v0.5.1, which is latest at the time of writing. If you end up with a later version, be sure to run dojoup --version 0.5.1.

Setting up your local chain

Run the following command

  • katana --disable-fee

Then in the contracts folder, run these commands

  • sozo build
  • sozo migrate
  • ./scripts/ (note down both the World address and the Button address from this output)

With the Button contract address, run

sozo execute $BUTTON_ADDRESS initialize

Then spin up Torii with your world address

torii --world $WORLD_ADDRESS

Spinning up the frontend

Copy .env.example inside web and rename it to .env. Fill in the missing values.

Then, also inside web, run:

  • bun install
  • bun dev

Navigate to http://localhost:5173/dev and you should see the home frame!