To run: python
Note that ideally, one performs clustering on real world datasets. This was the objective here too. And hence two datasets were downloaded - The Tamilnadu Electricity Board Hourly Readings Data Set and the 3D Road Network (North Jutland, Denmark) Data Set Both have few features and hence can be plotted and visualized. But the problem was that there were no clear cut clusters based on the class labels. Another problem was that there was a large number of class labels. Hence for understanding clustering algorithms, I decided to create blobs
using scikit-learn and then clusterize them - each blob as a cluster - ideally.
- Agglomerative Clustering : This implements two cluster merging criterion:
min distance
criterion - Merge the two clusters which have the minimum distance between two points - one from each cluster.mean distance
criterion - Merge two clusters based on the mean of all the points in each cluster.
Set themindist
flag in line 5. Also take care about thedist
parameter in lines 220 and 222. Changing them gives different number of clusters.
Reference used
- Kernel KMeans Clustering : Two kernels have been used here:
polynomial kernel
RBF kernel
Set theRBFkernel
flag in line 6 and the desired number of clusters asnumofclusters
in line 7. One can tune the params of the Polynomial and the RBF kernel in the methodsPoly
Reference used
- Spectral Clustering : Two similarity measures have been implemented here for constructing the similarity matrix:
Gaussian similarity
Epsilon Neighbourhood similarity
Set theEpsilonneighbourhood
flag in line 6 and the desired number of clusters asnumofclusters
in line 7. Be very careful to set thegamma
and theepsilon
in thecalceneighbourhood
methods as this clustering algorithm is very sensitive to how we define the similarity measure. If unsure, uncomment lines 107 to 114 and comment out lines 100 to 105 - sets the similarity matrix according to the labels - which is the ideal case. Another thing to note is that KMeans can get stuck at local minima - see line 170
Reference used