Repo of classic (and not so classic) problems that i've never acutally sat down and coded.
- AdjList repr of graph
- Dijkstra
- Bellman-Ford
- Binary Search
- Insertion Sort
- Shell Sort
- Selection Sort
- quick Sort
- mergeSort
- heapSort
- Find Median
- Find kth statistic
- Binary Search Tree
- Linked List
- Graph
- Heap
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Sqrt using successive approximation
- Number of paths through a grid
- Tree Traversals
- List Flattenings
- Tree to Heap conversions and Vice Versa
- Find the first ten digit prime nuber in the decimal expansion of e
- Floyd Warshall
- Min spanning trees
- Max Flow
- Graph Coloring
- Knapsack
Tons of other stuff