Rasa Ephermal Installer

Primary LanguageShell

Project Status

REI is not maintained anymore.

See Rasa X Community Edition - Deprecation Notice for more information.

RASA Ephemeral Installer (REI)

REI will help you to get an easy way to run and test RASA X / RASA OSS on your local workstation with a breeze.

How does REI manage the installation

REI installs KIND as Kubernetes (k8s) Platform and install RASA rasactl to deploy managed RASA X / OSS on top.

REI will check Requirements and install for the supported OS:

  • Docker
  • kubectl
  • helm
  • kind
  • rasactl


  • Linux or macOS operating system

To work with REI in an optimal enviroment please use a System with the following resources at hand

Minimum / (Recommended)

  • Dual-Core CPU / Quad-Core CPU
  • 8 GB RAM / 16 GB RAM
  • 25 GB DISK / 50 DISK

Quick Installation


curl -O https://rei.rasa.com/rei.sh && bash rei.sh -y -x


wget https://rei.rasa.com/rei.sh && bash rei.sh -y -x


bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://rei.rasa.com/rei.sh)"

Note - The defaults of the install script can be overridden see the built-in help.

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://rei.rasa.com/rei.sh)" -- --help


How do I see all logfiles ?

To get all logfiles from the RASA X / OSS Deployment just run in your terminal

kubectl -n rasa logs -l app.kubernetes.io/name=rasa-x

How do I remove the KIND Rasa Cluster locally ?

Execute the rsi.sh script with the -u flag

bash rei.sh -u

How do I see all running RASA containers ?

All running pods are inside the rasa namespace via kubectl

kubectl -n rasa get pods

How do I access the KIND K8S Cluster via kubectl ?

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-rasa