
A text based adventure game built with Rasa.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains an example project of a text-based adventure game built with Rasa. The goal is to host and maintain a proper text based escape room that you can play with. This project is open to outside contributions and we're recording the milestones/lessons learned in a series on Youtube.


You can find the Youtube playlist for this repository here.


There are many ways you can contribute to this project.

  • Give feedback. If you play with the assistant and notice that there are features missing we'd love to hear it.
  • Add data. If you think that there's data missing for some intents you're free to create a PR.
  • Think along. There are tricky parts to making a proper adventure game in Rasa and we're still learning as we go. Feel free to join some of the discussions in the issues to think along.
  • Report bugs. If you feel like some of the commands make no sense, feel free to let us know!

If your issue is Rasa related, you might be able to find help on our forum.

Start Locally

If you want to play around with this game locally you can clone this repository and setup Rasa. This project currently uses Rasa version 2.2.

git clone git@github.com:RasaHQ/breakoutbot.git
pip install rasa
rasa train

Once you've done this, you should be able to run rasa actions and play the game.

rasa run actions & rasa shell

If you want to run this with Rasa X locally, you'll need to install it first.

python -m pip install rasa-x==0.31 -i https://pypi.rasa.com/simple
rasa x

Remember, when you're running Rasa X you'll also need to make sure that the custom actions are running in the background.


On our youtube channel we've started a small documentary on the development of this text-based adventure game. Depending on what videos you're watching we might have a different version of Rasa in the running version of this project. In the overview below you can confirm what versions we've used and you can also find the reference to the saved code in case you want to re-run the code.

Season Youtube Link Rasa Version Rasa X Version Code Link
Season One Link 1.10 S1
Season Two Link 1.10 0.31 S2
Season Three Link 1.10 0.31 S3
Season Four Link 2.0.6 S4