Learning Javascript, and practice programming logic.
In this Project ProjetoGround Functions, we learned how to write JavaScript functions, in their most varied forms, using logical operators, calculating values, among the basic uses of the language.
The approval was necessary for us to reach 80% of the requirements!!
Playground Project Functions!
1 - Create a function using the && operator
2 - Create a function that calculates the area of a triangle
3 - Create a function that splits a sentence
4 - Create a function that uses string concatenation
5 - Create a function that calculates the amount of points in a soccer championship
6 - Create a function that calculates the number of repetitions of the largest number
7 - Create a Mouse Hunt function
8 - Create a FizzBuzz function
9 - Create a function that Encode and Decode
10 - Create a Technology List function
11 - Create a phone number function
12 - Create a function that tests the existence condition of a triangle