Apartment Hunt

A responsive Apartment Rental Service web application

Live Preview | Live API Server


  • Responsive MERN Stack project with firebase authentication, admin authentication, persistent login and dashboard functionality for customer and admin
  • Client have ability to request booking for apartment, check status of requested booking from client dashboard.
  • Only admin can update the client requested booking status from pending to on going to done, add new apartment/house with image, all the apartment details and add new admin.
  • Sign in is required to request booking for any apartment or to view client dashboard with services status.
  • Logged in client will see a button named "Dashboard", where they can view the booking list they requested.
  • If Admin is logged in, admin will see a button named "Admin".

Note: Only admin user have ability to view admin dashboard.

Front-end Technology

  • React JS
  • Firebase Authentication
  • React Router, Private Router
  • React Hook Form
  • Redux, React Redux
  • redux-devtools-extension, redux-thunk
  • React Context API
  • React Hook
  • Firebase Hosting
  • Session Storage
  • React Spinners
  • Bootstrap
  • SCSS
  • FontAwesome

Back-end Technology

  • Node JS
  • Express JS
  • Express file upload
  • Mongodb
  • Heroku
  • Cors
  • Body parser
  • Dotenv
  • nodemon

Front-end Repository