
LaTeX Template use for course summaries, pratical work reports or project files reports

Primary LanguageTeX

Latex Template for University

LaTeX Template made by myself for my course summaries, my practical work reports or my project files reports (including electrical implementation diagrams, C or Natural language or over programming language like ST (industry automation) etc...)

The general shape of the rendering is done with the KOMA-SCRIPT class scrartcl (European version of standart class "Article" especially to adapt the layout to A4 format and over benefits)

Table of Contents


Custom Title Page Simple Page Presentation
A custom title page A basic example page

Want to reproduce ?

You are totally free to clone this repository to adapt at your own purpose !

Differents "How-To" will follow in the next sections depending on whether you are a new or experienced LaTeX user.

Installation guide of LaTeX for begginers


  • For Linux Users :

You can install TeXLive by running sudo apt install texlive-full under Linux environement (Be carreful, the total installation is about 5GB, you can make a partial installation and download packages needed later)

  • For others Systems :

You can install it directly on the official website "http://www.tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html" by following the procedure.

Development environment

⚠️ I recommend that you first find out about the different IDEs BEFORE choosing

You can use differents IDE for Latex :

  • You can use TeXStudio. TeXstudio is an integrated writing environment made for creating LaTeX documents.

TeXStudio is a ready-to-use editor for LaTeX that makes it easy to get started.

  • You can use Overleaf. Overleaf is an online editor for writing documents in LaTeX with free and prenium plan.

Overleaf is easy (and ready directly after the account creation) to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor

  • You can use Vim. Vim is a highly configurable text editor.

Vim is difficult to use for begginner but very powerful and the vim basis can be use in a modern IDE

but you can read this guide

  • You can use Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code is an extensible code editor developed by Microsoft.

This is the solution I am developing in the "How-to configure VSCode for LaTeX"

Installation guide of the Template

Git Clone

⚠️You need to compile with XeLaTeX

Then you can almost build the template directly without errors!

If you have some errors look at the .log file

But you still have to customize the data :

  1. Add a ./assets/logo.png for you own logo and repositionning correctly it at the line 17 by changing the values of hshift= and vshift=

backgroundsetup ligne 17

  1. Changing \firstName, \lastName, \university commands values and adapt \groupNumber to your own situation

Personal informations ligne 4

  1. Make the rest of the features your own with the "Custom Template environments" and "Packages included in the Template" sections !

How to configure VSCode to code in LaTeX

For my setup I use VS Code and Vim to write my documents in LaTeX.

But I also use differents extensions to facilitate some actions like graph drawing with Draw.io

1. download VSCode

Download VSCode here.

2. Install extensions

You need to install these extensions:

  1. Latex Workshop
  2. LaTeX utilities

You can install these extensions as well:

  1. Better Comments: greatly simplifies the reading of comments
  2. Draw.io: allows you to edit image files .drawio.png
  3. Deepl for Visual Studio Code: to easily translate bits of text
  4. Edit csv: to easy manipulate CSV files
  5. Vim: Vim extension for VSCode, Vim is at first complicated to use but very powerful especially for note taking

Packages included in the Template

Package Description
pdfpages Allows you to include PDFs in your document
csvsimple Allows you to include CSV files in a table or put the information contained in a variable in your document
tikz Allows you to create vector graphics
pgfplots based on Tikz, allows to create scientific/technical graphs in a simple way
circuitikz based on Tikz, for the composition of electrical circuit diagrams
multicol Allows you to create several columns
setspace Allows you to define the spacing between lines in a document
amsmath To improve the information structure and print output of your document
listings Allows you to include code snippets with syntax highlighting
pifont Allows you to add certain symbols (listed here) to your document
enumitem Allows the user to control the layout of the three basic list environments: enumerate, itemize and description
tcolorbox Provides an environment for coloured and framed text areas with a header line
siunitx A comprehensive (SI) units

Custom environements

Environement Code Result
Simple colorbox w/ title


simple colorbox without title


definition colorblock


definition* colorblock


exemple colorbox


exemple* colorbox


attention colorblock


vertAlign environement (in a multicolumn with a lorem lipsum)

   Text in vertAlign


Further reading