
An API for Reddit Memes made using python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Reddit Meme API

JSON API for a random meme scraped from reddit.

API Link : https://reddit-meme-api.herokuapp.com/

Example Response:


    "code": 200,
    "post_link": "https://redd.it/kadq22",
    "subreddit": "AdviceAnimals",
    "title": "The struggle is real during these trying times.",
    "url": "https://i.redd.it/di9suwomhc461.jpg",
    "ups": 22471,
    "author": "bobbydigital_ftw",
    "spoilers_enabled": true,
    "nsfw": false,
    "image_previews": [


Note: While using the API always confirm that the response for "code" is 200, else there is some error!!!

Custom Endpoints

Specify count (MAX 200)

In order to get multiple memes in a single request specify the count with the following endpoint.

Endpoint: /{count}

Example: https://reddit-meme-api.herokuapp.com/2



    "code": 200,
    "count": 2,
    "memes": [
            "post_link": "https://redd.it/kgvsku",
            "subreddit": "MemeEconomy",
            "title": "Easy Investment",
            "url": "https://i.redd.it/9xsdu34x0d661.jpg",
            "ups": 7439,
            "author": "KingEmperio",
            "spoilers_enabled": true,
            "nsfw": false,
            "image_previews": [
            "post_link": "https://redd.it/kgfk5v",
            "subreddit": "MemeEconomy",
            "title": "How much is this meme template worth?",
            "url": "https://i.redd.it/2j5r9myud7661.jpg",
            "ups": 127,
            "author": "ABC0012300",
            "spoilers_enabled": true,
            "nsfw": false,
            "image_previews": [


Not all memes have image preview so it is suggested to use the "url" endpoint's result

Specify Subreddit

By default the API grabs a random meme from 'memes', 'dankmemes', 'AdviceAnimals','MemeEconomy','me_irl', 'ComedyCemetery' and 'terriblefacebookmemes'subreddits. To provide your own custom subreddit use the following endpoint.

Endpoint: /{subreddit}

Example: https://reddit-meme-api.herokuapp.com/wholesomememes


    "code": 200,
    "post_link": "https://redd.it/kgx7gq",
    "subreddit": "wholesomememes",
    "title": "Good looking cookiea",
    "url": "https://i.redd.it/hn2axo0zed661.jpg",
    "ups": 36563,
    "author": "the_mean_guy_is_here",
    "spoilers_enabled": true,
    "nsfw": false,
    "image_previews": [

Specify Subreddit Count (MAX 200)

In order to get a custom number of memes from a specific subreddit provide the name of the subreddit and the count in the following endpoint.

Endpoint: /{subreddit}/{count}

Example: https://reddit-meme-api.herokuapp.com/wholesomememes/2



    "code": 200,
    "count": 2,
    "memes": [
            "post_link": "https://redd.it/kgx7gq",
            "subreddit": "wholesomememes",
            "title": "Good looking cookiea",
            "url": "https://i.redd.it/hn2axo0zed661.jpg",
            "ups": 36563,
            "author": "the_mean_guy_is_here",
            "spoilers_enabled": true,
            "nsfw": false,
            "image_previews": [
            "post_link": "https://redd.it/kh1svx",
            "subreddit": "wholesomememes",
            "title": "yes yes yes",
            "url": "https://i.redd.it/upypw6gtke661.jpg",
            "ups": 1945,
            "author": "patrickpotato07",
            "spoilers_enabled": true,
            "nsfw": false,
            "image_previews": [
