
API starter project. cron-job to constantly restart web services shutdown by the free tier of services like render.com

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Welcome to my API re-starter application


  • This is a cron job application that constantly hits my online APIs to make sure the remain alive

Getting started [For_Developers]

  • Clone repo with

      git clone git@github.com:RashJrEdmund/api-re-starter.git
  • Navigate to project with

      cd api-re-starter
  • Install packages and start server

      npm install # or npm i
      npm run dev

Adding new API [For_Developers]

  • Navigate to /public/cron-data.json and add the new API, following the same format as the others
  interface CronData {
    server_name: string;
    api_url: string;

Adjusting cron time

  • current cron - time is set to "*/12 * * * *" meaning "every 12 mins"
  • To verify or adjust this interval, visit https://crontab.guru/#***