
This is an SFLM based GUI application. Although it is an fully functioning app, some of the functionality is still incomplete as we made it in limited time frame for our project. So you can also contribute to complete this.


This project aims to find typing speed of users and provide them a gaming interface to amuse themselves with the software. This typing software has two modes: classic mode and rapid mode. In classic mode, users have to type sentence whereas in rapid mode, they have to type random word displayed in screen and this mode has got time limit. Through rapid mode, users will be able to analyze themselves with their own typing abilities and this mode is lot more amusing than classic mode.

There is separate user info section in which users will get the information about the time they have spent typing and their average typing speed and accuracy with the words.



Fig.1 - Menu


Fig.2 - Classic game mode


Fig.3 - Rapid game mode

To run the application without installing SFML in your machine you can go to


and run "*.exe" file.

Project members:

Bikrant Bidari (THA076BCT013)

Dipesh Bartaula (THA076BCT015)

Nistha Bajracharya (THA076BCT024)

Rashmi Khadka (THA076BCT035)