
Team project developed using ReactJs, Springboot, Hibernate, and remote MySQL. This is a sensor monitoring and alert management platform. The main functionality of the system is to alert on certain events based on the readings coming from the sensors.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Module - Integrative Programming

Cloud-based sensor monitoring and alert management platform

“Monitor” is a cloud-based sensor monitoring and alertmanagement platform which can be usedto centrally monitor any device regardless of itslocation.

The main functionality of the system isto alert on certain events based on the readings comingfrom the sensors.The system should be able to collect sensor data readingsfrom different sensors such asTemperature sensors, Humidity sensors, Pressure sensorsetc.

Monitor system performs monitoring part only (Thealert generation and notifying the user whenthere is a device failure).

We should use the thirdparty sensor data providers such as Aretas,Imonnit and Helium which can send the sensor readingsto our system.


Front-end - React

Back-end - Spring Boot, Hibernate, JPA, MySQL

Alert System - Twilio for SMS and Twilio Voice Alert.

Database Hosted in db4free.net

Backend Hosted in Heroku

Frontend Hosted in Netlify