Minishell 👨‍💻

The goal of this project was to remake TCSH.
TCSH like BASH is a shell unix based on the C shell (csh). However minishell doesn't have the control of the arrow keys or the tabs.\


Just clone the repo then use Make to compile the game and finally launch the binary with ./mysh.


How does it work ?

Minshell like TCSH is a binary that has the power to call other binary like ls, clear, ps... To be able to use them there is a lot of differents way, in the case of the minishell i am using the PATH in the environement where all the path of all the bin on my computer are stored. With this we can easily find all binary that we need. Then with execve we can launch them. However some commands doesn't have a bin so we need to make them that's what we call built-in function (CD, Exit ...).


  • Edgar Dion 🐈