
Sample code for a simple blink loop, targeting the STM32F070

Primary LanguageMakefile

STM32 Programming with opencm3: Part 0

This repository contains the complete companion code and EAGLE design files to accompany this blog post, which details the basics of compiling and flashing code to a STM32F0-series MCU.

In this repo:

  • main.cpp: The main application code. Contains a simple example using GPIOs and the SysTick timer.
  • stm32f0.ld: Linker script for the STM32F070CB MCU
  • Makefile: Collection of rules to build and upload code to the MCU
  • .gdbinit: GDB resource file that automates conencting to an attached Black Magic Probe
  • libopencm3: Git submodule referencing our version of opencm3.


Blink Blink