
  1. Clone repo
  2. From command line: npm install
  3. When installation of packages has finished run: node app.js

App will run by default on port 80.

To change port go to app.js and change the port parameter at the top of the file to whatever port number required.

XML queries can be made to: http://<server-url>:port/

Delay value is kept in milliseconds in config/delay.json To change the delay value either edit the file or while the server is running go to: http://<server-url>:port/delay in your browser and change its value there.

In order to tell the TARA-SERVER to make querries to this URL change mobileID.serviceUrl in in the TARA-SERVER to point to the IP of the server.

Mock takes as a input random mobile number and personal code combination, giving always as an output user with personal code "EE01234567890" and name "SEITSMES TESTNUMBER".