
Threshold Cryptography over Class Groups

Primary LanguageC++

Threshold Cryptography using Class Groups

This library is an Open Source C++ library that implements the Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing Protocol (PVSS), 1-Round Distributed Key Generation (DKG) Protocol and Resharing protocol from Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing over Class Groups and Applications to DKG and YOSO. The library is build on top of the open source BICYCL library, which provides arithmetic in the ideal class groups of imaginary quadratic fields, alongside a set of cryptographic primitives.

This library is developed as part of my thesis in Computer Science, and was used for benchmarking purposes.


This library relies solely on the BICYCL library and its dependencies for functionality, and optionally on Google Benchmark for carrying out benchmarks of the protocols mentioned above. In the ./include folder, a version of the BICYCL library is provided. Alternatively, one could follow the installation guide from BICYCL installation guide, however this might require som rearrangement of the CMakeLists. If using the included BICYCL library, follow the below instuctions:

apt install g++ libgmp-dev libssl-dev cmake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To (re-)compile the library, simply run the following command in ./build:


To execute benchmarks or tests (from ./benchmarks, ./tests respectively), run either of the following commands in ./build:

make benchs
make tests


For Windows users it is recommended to run a WSL as subsystem, as BICYCL requires some Linux-specific dependencies.


In ./src both qclpvss.hpp and qclpvss.cpp can be found. This PVSS is the concrete instance from Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing over Class Groups and Applications to DKG and YOSO and is the PVSS used for the 1-Round DKG and Resharing Protocol found in ./src/application/bdkg.cpp and ./src/application/pvss_reshare.cpp respectively. In .src/nizk all NIZK proofs used throughout the above mentioned protocols can be found. Lastly, in .src/utils an implementation of Shamir Secret Sharing can be found, alongside datatypes, utils and lastly openssl_hash_ext.cpp, which overrides nescessary implementions of the OpenSSL::HashAlgo::hash template function given in the BICYCL library.


For benchmarking purposes, a threading pool was utilized to compute multi-exponentiations and products of class group elements. This version can be found in the branch main, whereas non-multithread-PVSS-SNAPSHOT contains a snapshot of the sequential version.


A big thanks to the authors of I want to ride my BICYCL: BICYCL Implements CryptographY in CLass groups for providing an extensive library on class groups, which allows for cryptographic protocols on class groups such as those presented in this library.


Rasmus Soerensen