This sample demo shows you how Platform Cache works & increases the performance of your code in some crucial scenarios.
The code contains an Apex Class (PlatformCacheDemoController
) which has a method with a SOQL of all Accounts + Child contacts + goes through every contact to see how many contacts has each account.
Definitely this is not the best way to count how many contacts we have, however is a great example of a large operation that can be cached with Platform Cache and retrieve the data from the cache instead of process every time the same method.
Remember that with Platform Cache we can store any structure of data we need. Best practice is not only to replace specific heavy SOQL but to replace heavy loads of data processing as well.
We recommend to create a new Scratch Org, set it as default + create the mock data that exists in this repository (1k Accounts + 2k Contacts);
This process performs the following actions:
- Creates a new Scratch Org and sets the new org as default
- Push the code to the new Scratch Org
- Sets the necessary permission set automatically
- Uploads the mock data necessary for testing
npm run sfdx:setup:project
Create a new Scratch Org:
sfdx force:org:create -v YOUR_DEVHUB_ALIAS -a sf-platform-cache-demo -s -f config/project-scratch-def.json
Push the package to the new Scratch Org:
sfdx force:org:push
Deploy the code into your target org with Source commands:
sfdx force:source:deploy -p sf-platform-cache-demo
Assign to yourself the Permission Set: sf-platform-cache-demo
sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n sf_platform_cache_demo
npm run sfdx:permset:assign
(this commands creates 1k accounts + 2 contacts per account in bulk in your default org)
sfdx force:data:bulk:upsert -s Account -f ./assets/mock_accounts.csv -i External_Id__c
sfdx force:data:bulk:upsert -s Contact -f ./assets/mock_contacts.csv -i Id
npm run sfdx:create:data
- Make sure you have completed all previous steps (new scratch org + permset + mock data upload)
- Open your Scratch Org & navigate to Platform Cache Demo application & play around with the buttons
sfdx force:org:open -p /lightning/n/Platform_Cache_Demo
npm run sfdx:open:demoapp