Salesforce Custom Labels deployment issue

NOTE: All commands running -c flag for check-only

Steps to reproduce (source deploy)

Option A (auto):

  • Run npm run build (creates Scratch Org > Geneartes manifest > tries to deploy with destructive changes)

Option B (manual):

  • Create a Manifest with the source metadata:
sfdx force source manifest create -p force-app -o temp
  • Deploy the manifest with Destructive Changes:
sfdx force source deploy --manifest temp/package.xml --predestructivechanges destructiveChangesPre.xml --postdestructivechanges ackage.xml --predestructivechanges destructiveChangesPre.xml --postdestructivechanges destructiveChangesPost.xml -g -c -u TARGET_ORG_ALIAS

MDAPI usage

Run npm run mdapi:build (converts metadata into temp_metadata > copies destructiveChanges into temp_metadata > performs deployment)