
Builds the signature files for https://github.com/Raspirus/signatures

Primary LanguageRust


This tool fetches the latest hashes from providers and builds its own files for use with Raspirus (https://github.com/Raspirus/raspirus.git).


All the arguments can be combined with eachother. The program goes through them one by one, so the user can declare the order in which operations are executed.

The provided hashes on our repo are generated using this command, ran in signature_builder with signatures repo cloned in the same folder: cargo run --release -- -mc 64 -ct -cdb -u -p ../signatures/patches/patch_1 -dd -o ../signatures/hashes/ -e -s


Prints the help prompt. This is probably where you want to start if you are struggling


Fetches the files from all providers and saves them to the temporary working directory


Tries to insert all files from the temporary working directory into the database


Exports all hashes into the output directory. Splits into multiple files with the maximum line number

-if|--insert-file [filename]

Tries to insert the file provided into the Database


Fetches the latest files form all providers, saves them to the temporary working directory and tries to import them into the database. Basically the same as running the tool with -f -i


Removes the database. !USE WITH CAUTION!


Removes the temporary folder. !USE WITH CAUTION!


Removes the table in the database. !USE WITH CAUTION!

-p|--patch [filename]

Patches the database with a patch file. The file should contain one hash on each line, prefixed with + or -, depending on if it should be added or removed from the database.


# Any line prefixed with anything other than + or - will be ignored
+ 2d75cc1bf8e57872781f9cd04a529256
- 7dea362b3fac8e00956a4952a3d4f474

In this example, the line with the # will be ignored while also outputting a warning to notify the user of the skipped line. The space between the prefix and hash are optional


Returns the number of hashes currently in the database


Sets the timestamp of the output folder


Removes duplicates from table

-t|--tempdir [foldername]

Sets the temporary working directory that will be created to foldername. Use with caution as it will modify preexisting folders. Useful if you wish to keep multiple working directories or delete a specific one using -c. Defaults to ./tmp

-d|--database [database]

Sets the databas name to database. Useful if you wish to keep multiple databases or delete a specific one using -c. Defaults to hashes_db

-mt|--max-threads [threadcount]

Sets the maximum number of parallel download threads to threadcount. Numbers too high will result in timouts. Defaults to 20

-mr|--max-retries [retrycount]

Sets the maximum number of retires for failed downloads to retrycount. Defaults to 5

-mc|--max-combines [filecount]

Sets how many files can be combined for inserting to filecount. Can be used to speed up insertion at the cost of memory. Defaults to 8, since this will pretty much run on anything

-tb|--table [tablename]

Sets the database table to tablename. Can be used if you wish to keep a single database for multiple runs. Defaults to hashes

-o|--output [foldername]

Sets the output folder to foldername. Useful if you wish to output the created hashfiles to a separate folder like an external git repo. Defaults to ./hashes

-l|--length [length]

Sets the number of lines contained in each of the output files to length. Useful if you wish to create fewer, larger files for easy storage or smaller ones if you face file size limits. Defaults to 1_000_000.

Note: Numbers cannot be entered as 1_000, but have to entered as 1000. The previous notation is just for readability


The default verbosity of the tool (INFO) can be changed by setting the environment variable SB_LOG to INFO, DEBUG, TRACE or ERROR.