
A Metropolia Garage project made by students of Metropolia UAS.

Primary LanguagePython


A Metropolia Garage project made by students of Metropolia UAS.

Table of Contents

Starting the Metrojoe image

It is highly recommender to run the image in a devcontainer for development.

To run the code from a terminal, use the following command:

docker run -it --rm -v ~/metrojoe/MetroJoe/ros2_ws:/ros2_ws -v /dev/input/:/dev/input/ --privileged metrojoe


  • docker run - Run a command in a new container
  • -it - Keep STDIN open even if not attached, allocate a pseudo-TTY
  • --rm - Automatically remove the container when it exits
    • Optional, but recommended when running the container multiple times (ie. for development)
  • -v ~/metrojoe/MetroJoe/ros2_pkg:/ros2_pkg - Mount the ros2_pkg directory from the host to the /ros2_pkg directory in the container
    • The ros2_pkg directory should contain the ROS2 package(s) on the host machine
  • -v /dev/input/:/dev/input/ - Mount the /dev/input/ directory from the host to the /dev/input/ directory in the container
    • Contains the input devices on the host machine
    • Required for the joystick inputs to work
  • --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 - Give the container access to the /dev/ttyUSB0 device
    • Gives access to the USB serial device on the host machine
    • Required for the serial communication to work (ie. with the ModBus motor controller)
  • --privileged - Give the container full access to the host
    • Required for reading the joystick inputs from the /dev/input/ directory
  • metrojoe - The name of the image to run

ROS2 Nodes

ros2 run metrojoe <node_name>

All of the available nodes are listed below. (All of the nodes are still a work in progress.)

main (W.I.P.)

The main node that works as the brain of the robot.

Subscribes to the /gamepad_trigger topic and publishes to the /drive_speed topic.
In the future, more functions will be added to this node.

gamepad_node (W.I.P.)

Reads the gamepad inputs and publishes them to a topic.

Publish topics:

  • /gamepad_trigger
    • Type: GamepadInput
      • string: name
      • int16: value
    • Test in terminal: ros2 topic echo /gamepad_trigger

modbus_motor_controller (W.I.P.)

Controls the ModBus motor controller.

Subscriber topics:

  • /drive_speed
    • Type: DriveSpeed
      • string: direction
        • Values: forward, reverse
      • string: turn
        • Values: left, right, none
      • int16: speed
        • Range: 0-255
    • Test in terminal: ros2 topic pub --once /drive_speed metrojoe_interfaces/msg/DriveSpeed "{direction: '<value>', turn: '<none>', speed: <value>}"