
Create scaffolding for Elixir projects from predefined templates

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Generic project template generator for Mix.

This project implements a Mix task named newer which can take a specially prepared file hierarchy and create scaffolding for a new project from it.


Download the latest archive from the Releases page

$ mix archive.install https://github.com/Rastopyr/mix-newer/releases/download/alpha2/mix_newer-0.2.0.ez

or build from source as follows:

$ mix archive.build
$ mix archive.install


Some examples:

# Build a project from Phoenix template, overriding the 'session_secret'
# parameter's value
$ mix newer
    -t https://github.com/alco/mix-phoenix-template.git
    -o session_secret=abc

$ ls myphoenix
README.md config    lib       mix.exs   priv      test      web

$ ls myphoenix/lib

# Build a project from Elixir template, passing the custom --sup flag defined
# by it
$ mix newer -t https://github.com/alco/mix-elixir-template.git myapp --sup

$ ls myapp
README.md config    lib       mix.exs   test

$ ls myapp/test
myapp_test.exs  test_helper.exs

How to create a template

A template is essentially an arbitrary file hierarchy that will be copied verbatim at the destination path and postprocessed in some way.

When a template is instantiated, all occurrences of strings that look like {{parameter_name}} will be replaced by the values of corresponding parameters. By default, mix newer defines the following parameters:

  • APP_NAME – it takes as its value the directory name passed on the command line

  • MODULE_NAME – a "camelized" version of APP_NAME used to name user modules in the template

  • MIX_VERSION – full version (e.g. 1.0.0) of Mix (which is the same as Elixir version) with which the template is instantiated

  • MIX_VERSION_SHORT – shortened version (e.g. 1.0) recommended for use in Elixir version requirement in mix.exs

User scripts

To add custom parameters or flags, a file named defs.exs should be placed under the special _template_config directory inside the template. Certain files in this directory will be evaluated during template instantiation and the directory will be removed in the end.

An example defs.exs file might look as follows:

flag :custom, :string

param :my_param, config[:APP_NAME]<>"tail"

The newly defined parameter can be used in any file as {{my_param}}. The custom flag can be passed on the command line as --custom value or --custom='longer string'.

After defining custom flags and parameters, mix newer will look for _template_config/init.exs script and execute it if present. The script can contain any valid Elixir code. It will have two dicts available:

  • flags will contain the values of custom flags passed by the user on the command line

  • config will contain all parameters and their values (whether builtin or specified on the command line)

Additionally, the init script will also have select macro autoimported which can be used to selectively choose one of special template files described below.

Special template files

Files with names ending in ._template won't be copied into the destination directory unless picked explicitly. To pick such a file, the select macro should be used. For instance, if there are two such files under the lib/ directory named option_1.ex._template and option_2.ex._template, one of them can be picked in init.exs as follows:

# Decide which file to pick based on the value of our a custom flag
if flags[:custom] == "second" do
  select "lib/option_2.ex", rename: "{{APP_NAME}}.ex"
  select "lib/option_1.ex", rename: "{{APP_NAME}}.ex"

The picked file will be kept under the lib/ directory with a new name, and the other file will be removed before the template instantiation completes.

If rename option isn't set, default name will be kept.


See the following examples for reference:


This software is licensed under the MIT license.