
Enclosure lid hinged tie down needs a longer base

billyd60 opened this issue · 3 comments

The printed hinged tie down needs 2mm more clearance between the base center hole and the inside vertical wall (at least for the 500 printer). The existing print does not provide adequate clearance and as a result the lower 3030 rail of the lid assembly must be moved outward 4mm (2 mm for front and back tie down clearance). I have attached a step and stl file which corrects the model by making the base 2mm longer than the existing design

Also while we're on the subject, at least for the 500 size, the top lid (hinged portion only) is too deep by 4mm. Specifically the 3030 rails that are cut to 704mm should be 700mm. (These are the two top side rails of the lid) This way the (hinged portion) lid forward base rail is flush with the frame of the printer in the front. As it is now, the hinged portion of the lid sticks out 4mm, even with the correction above (which only impacts the non hinged base of the lid). The base of the lid which is made up of 752mm side rails, is actually correct and the front of the base of the lid is flush with the printer.

Of course if you reduce the side rails from 704 to 700mm you'll also need to modify the top and side panel dxf's so they are 4mm shorter in depth to match.

Actually I've noticed the side panel dxf's are actually correct as is as they are 4mm short on my enclosure. The top panel would have to still be reduced by 4mm in depth however. Sorry for the scattered information.